part of the Education Reform Networks
Learning Assessment
"There Is No Way To Prepare for This:" Teaching in First Nations Schools in Northern Ontario--Issues and Concerns
A qualitative study examined the experiences of 10 mostly inexperienced, female teachers working in two isolated Native communities in northern Ontario. Findings focus on teachers' uncertainties about appropriate pedagogical goals, the relationship of teachers to First Nations communities, living in the North, cross-cultural and multicultural teaching, and teaching English as a second language.
A Learner Centered Education
This paper proposes a learner-centered educational system, focusing on aspects that are intrinsically associated with the modern educational system, such as the curriculum, school community, parents, learners, and educational support personnel.
A Lingering Miseducation: Confronting the Legacy of "Little Tree."
The popular book, "The Education of Little Tree," written by a Ku Klux Klansman, perpetuates popular stereotypes about American Indians and advances the author's ideology about segregation and staunch individualism. This type of fraud is especially damaging to children, both White and Indian, who internalize such stereotypes as more authentic than the realities of living American Indians.
A new wave of evidence
Many policymakers, administrators, and funders ask for evidence that parents' involvement helps student achievements, including test scores. This report provides some useful answers.
A Path to Social Change: Examining Students' Responsibility, Opportunity, and Emotion toward Social Justice
Investigated college students' beliefs about privileged and oppressed adults' responsibility for the onset/offset of social inequities, emotions linked with their responsibility, and behaviors that should result from responsibility for social equity. Overall, preconceived notions of privilege and oppression can offer an explanation for students' resistance to multicultural discourse.
A practical guide to reading assessments. An activity of partnership for family involvement in education.
Designed to provide teachers and reading tutor with an easy-to-use and practical guide to selecting and using reading assessment tools for English and Spanish speaking students. Encourages the use of assessment to guide instruction.
A Review of Community College Curriculum Trends. ERIC Digest
Approximately 50 percent of all students who enter postsecondary education enroll in community colleges. Consequently, reviewing the characteristics of the community college curriculum is paramount to understanding the role these institutions play in shaping students' trajectories.
A Systematic Examination of School Improvement Activities That Include Special Education.
Includes a reliable and valid method to (a) systematically describe and assess the school improvement process and (b) examine its relationship to special education by including in the investigation programs for students with emotional disturbance.
A. Standards and inclusion: Can we have both?
Description of students with full and complete access to the same curriculum and opportunities as the general education population rather than when they are placed in segregated settings.
Adherence to mathematics professional standards and instructional design criteria for problem-solving in mathematics.
The authors evaluated five third grade math text (Harcourt, Houghton Mifflin, McGraw Hill, Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley and Silver Burdett & Ginn) to measure alignment to NCTM standards. Results presented in a detailed table across NCTM standards showed that only problem solving standard was evident across all five text books.
African American Giftedness: Our Nation's Deferred Dream
Addresses issues that have perpetuated the underrepresentation of African Americans in gifted and talented programs, which include: inadequate definitions, standardized testing, nomination procedures, learning style preferences, family and peer influences, screening and identification, and gifted underachievers. Concludes by discussing alternative theories of giftedness and the implementation of multicultural education in teacher education programs.
Alternative Assessment of Language and Literacy in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations
This article explores some problems and recent solutions to the use of norm-referenced testing of children who are culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD). It describes two promising procedures to provide unbiased assessment of CLD children's language and literacy: the use of processing-dependent measures and of dynamic assessment measures.
An assessment framework for professional development schools: Going beyond the leap of faith
Discusses the challenges in assessing Professional Development School (PDS) impacts, noting examples of assessments from the literature. The paper outlines a conceptual framework for assessment and explains how it may help organize more systematic thinking about PDS evaluation.
An Introductory Reader to the Writings of Jim Cummins. Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
This book contains 19 readings covering three decades of the work of academic Jim Cummins.
An Oral Versus a Standard Administration of a Large-Scale Mathematics Test
Students in Grades 4, 5, 7, and 8 (N=1,343) took part in a study to determine whether students with learning disabilities (LD) would benefit from having mathematics test items read aloud. Two 30-item alternate forms of a large-scale multiple-choice mathematics test were administered.
Applications of "Multiculturalism" Demonstrated by Elementary Preservice Science Teachers
This study examined 38 thematic units prepared by preservice elementary teachers at the end of their science methods class and their second semester in an urban, field-based program, investigating how they addressed principles of diversity and multiculturalism. The units had either a science theme or science integrated with themes from other disciplines.
Asian Heritage Pupils, PE and Language
Investigated whether physical education (PE) classes could contribute to verbal skill development among limited English speaking Asian students. Surveys and interviews conducted at inner city English schools indicated that many PE teachers already planned lessons with such learning in mind, and relevant policies were well-developed.
Asian Students and Humanities Subjects: Report to the Equity and Social Justice Branch, Victoria University
Australia is a multicultural society and, in recent years, Asian immigration has increased tremendously. In terms of the educational participation of Asian-Australian students, students from non-English-speaking backgrounds are not highly represented in humanities, arts, and education courses.
Becoming a teacher in a professional development school
Interviewed graduates from two Professional Development Schools to determine the impact of that experience on subsequent teaching practices. Graduates reported that student teaching had the greatest impact because of the extended time and depth of experience in the classroom, the quality of mentoring they received, the connections they drew between theory and practice, and the emphasis on collaboration and reflection.
Beginning To Work with Adult English Language Learners: Some Considerations. ERIC Q & A
This paper discusses what teachers who are beginning to work with adult English language learners need to know. Recommendations in four areas are discussed: applications of adult learning in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) contexts; second language acquisition; culture and working with multicultural groups; and instructional approaches that support language development in adults.
Beyond Access: Methods and Models for Increasing Retention and Learning among Minority Students. New Directions for Community Colleges, Issue 112. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series
This edition of New Directions for Community Colleges offers community college educators alternative models, approaches, and perspectives to consider in working with ethnic minority students. The volume addresses issues of assessment, career and educational goals, learning enhancement, success courses, mentoring programs, campus climate, educational technology, and the integration of nonminority instructors into the minority environment.
Beyond Classroom-Based Early Field Experiences: Understanding an "Educative Practicum" in an Urban School and Community
Examined the experiences of preservice teachers in an urban school and community-based early field experience (integrated with foundations of education and general methods courses). Data from observations, interviews, reflective writings, and focus groups highlighted five categories of student experience: deepening multicultural, eye-opening and transformational, masked multicultural, partially miseducative, and escaping experiences.
Beyond islands of excellence: What districts can do to improve instruction and achievement in all schools.
Outlines lessons from five districts that were selected based on their ability to exhibit at least three years of improvement in student achievement in mathematics and/or reading across multiple grades and across all races and ethnicities.
Booktalking Across the Curriculum: The Middle Years
This book contains booktalks for 170 titles that appeal to middle school readers and relate to middle school curriculum. Approximately 90% of the books are fiction.
Brain matters: Translating research into classroom practice.
Discusses the need to match teaching practice to brain functioning, but understanding how the brain functions is primary.
Bridging Cultures between Home and School: A Guide for Teachers--With a Special Focus on Immigrant Latino Families
This book focuses on how to meet the challenges of education in a pluralistic society, presenting the Bridging Cultures framework, which is designed for understanding differences and conflicts that arise in situations where school culture is more individualistic than the home value system.
Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group = Groupe Canadien d'Etude en Didactique des Mathematiques. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (25th, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 25-29, 2001)
This document contains the proceedings of the 2001 annual meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (CMESG) held at the University of Alberta, May 25-39, 2000.
Career as Story: An Introduction to the Haldane Idiographic Method of Career Assessment for Multicultural Populations
In order to take into consideration the unique experiences, background and language differences inherent among multicultural populations for the purposes of career assessment, the process must allow for the counselee to construct their own story.
Children's Literature in Adult Education
Investigates the possible role of children's literature in the education of adult learners of English. Shows that children's literature can be effective in teaching linguistic skills such as pronunciation practice and improving language acquisition.
Communities of practice and discourse communities: negotiating boundaries in NBPTS certification.
Dramatic efforts toward professionalization of teaching have been made in the last 15 years. Educational research has identified multiple kinds of knowledge (e.g., disciplinary, cultural, social) and skills (e.g., communicative, diagnostic) that teachers must possess in order to be effective in the classroom.
Complexities and Contradictions: A Study of Teacher Education Courses that Address Multicultural Issues
Investigated how a teacher education course on educating diverse students affected student teachers' knowledge and attitudes. Pre- and post-course surveys indicated that the course contributed to some positive attitude changes regarding issues of diversity, though students appeared unable to detect the nuances in their attitudes toward race, class, and gender that could affect their abilities to become effective educators.
Composing standards and composing teachers: The problem of national board certification
Considers whether National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification is as much an evaluation of teachers writing about their teaching as it is of the teaching itself, exploring two NBPTS certificate candidates' experiences, analyzing problems inherent in NBPTS standards and writing difficulties in NBPTS portfolio entries, and concluding that rhetorical skill is a problematic, unarticulated standard of the Board.
Consequences of a state accountability program: examining relationships between school performance gains and teacher, student, and school variables.
Study explored the relationship between (a) changes in the scores from the Maryland State Performance Assessment Program from 1993 to 1998 and (b) classroom instruction and assessment practices, student learning and motivation. Several factors from each of these dimensions were found to explain a significant amount of variability in school performance over time using growth models.
Course in Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication. Adult Education in the Community
Materials are provided for Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication, a 75-hour course developed by teachers experienced in working with students in adult literacy and basic education and English as a second language classes.
Creating Community: A Roundtable on Canadian Aboriginal Literature
This book contains 13 essays on Canadian Aboriginal literature. Topics include literary criticism, pedagogical issues, and the experiences of Native authors and of faculty teaching Aboriginal literature in mainstream institutions.
Creating Culturally Responsive, Inclusive Classrooms
This article provides the following guidelines for creating culturally responsive, inclusive classrooms: use a range of culturally sensitive methods and materials, create a classroom atmosphere that respects individuals and their cultures, foster an interactive classroom learning environment, employ ongoing and culturally aware assessments, and collaborate with other professionals and families. (Contains references.) (CR).
Creating Reciprocal Learning Relationships across Socially-Constructed Borders
Evaluated a service learning course that matched preservice teachers and older adult literacy learners and aimed to address widespread attrition in adult education programs and the need for multicultural education for preservice teachers. Data revealed two essential elements of successful, reciprocal learning relationships: connecting across differences through caring relationships and ability to reflect in ways that transformed previous assumptions.
Cultural Factors and the Achievement of Black and Hispanic Deaf Students
Examines cultural factors affecting black and Hispanic deaf students' achievement, discussing socioeconomic status and single parent families, parent educational levels, non-English speaking environments, inadvertent effects on the deaf child, family view of disability, and parent-school interactions. Notes strategies for developing parents as authentic partners in education and discusses how educators can bridge the educational gap.
Cultural Knowledge in African American Children
Fifty-eight African American children (grades 4-6) responded to the Test of Core Knowledge, a divergent task that required free associations about mainstream and African American topics. Participants' knowledge of both mainstream and African American cultural items increased significantly between grades 4 and 5.
Cultural Pluralism: Implications for Educational Practices and Comprehensive School Reform
To circumvent isolationism, ethnocentrism, and intolerance experienced by culturally diverse students and their parents in U.S. schools, education policies must be effectively documented with methodological endorsement of multicultural education as policy for all students to be personally meaningful, socially relevant, culturally accurate, and educationally sound.
Curriculum Integration: A Two-Way Street
Describes curriculum integration and examines a theory of multicultural integration applying it to music education. Offers guidelines for music teachers who attempt to integrate music education with other subject areas: (1) get organized; (2) inform your principal; (3) start small; (4) be proactive; (5) be flexible; and (6) evaluate the effort.
Democratic Dispositions and Cultural Competency: Ingredients for School Renewal
This article argues that the current school reform movement of high-stakes testing is misguided. It advocates that democratic dispositions and cultural competency be included in the major goals of schooling and proposes that the purpose of schooling should be determined through public deliberation within diverse communities.
Descriptive analysis of team teaching in two elementary classrooms: a formative experimental approach.
Descriptive information regarding planning time, type of instructional format of team teaching, student groupings, and follow-up evaluation time were collected. Performance of typical students and students with learning disabilities on curriculum-based assessments measures suggest academic gains in reading and spelling for all students.
Diaries: Listening to "Voices" from the Multicultural Classroom
Examines evidence from foreign student learner diaries to identify factors inherent in moving to another country and culture. Explores how these may affect students' language learning and suggests ways in which teachers and course designers need to take account of them.
Discomfort Zones: Learning about Teaching with Care and Discipline in Urban Schools
Multicultural principles, discipline, and curriculum theory should be integrated and revisited across the teacher-education program via case studies, portfolio assessment, and field experiences. Authors deplore prescriptive, procedural approaches to teaching and value ongoing faculty/student conversations, university alliances with "best" teachers and principals, and trust in children's power.
District and state policy influences on professional development and school capacity.
Examines the effects on different aspects of school capacity of several recent reforms related to professional development. The reforms include teacher networks in California, the use of consultants and intervisitation in New York City's District 2, student assessments in Kentucky and Maryland, and school improvement plans in South Carolina.
Early Childhood Education Program Expectations: Standards of Quality.
In 1999, a task force was appointed to develop early childhood education (ECE) program expectations or standards for New Jersey's ECE programs. The standards were based on the task force's review of research, curricula, standards, and guidelines developed by local boards of education, other states, and professional organizations; feedback on draft standards from various professionals; and three regional focus groups.
Educating Culturally Responsive Teachers: A Coherent Approach. SUNY Series, Teacher Preparation and Development
This book examines what is needed to accomplish the task of staffing U.S. schools with culturally responsive teachers, discussing the specific elements of teacher education programs needed for the country's diverse public schools.
Educational Research in Europe. Yearbook 2000
The first Yearbook of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) is based on a selection of texts presented at the EERA annual meeting in 1999, which took place in Lahti, Finland. It is intended to be part of the development of a European conversation about educational research.
Educators of Asian Bilingual Students: Pedagogical Techniques, Strategies and Challenges
Explored the challenges and teaching strategies of 133 Asian bilingual educators using a detailed questionnaire developed specifically for the purposes of the investigation. Participants were asked to rate how important specific practices, strategies, and challenges were in their teaching of Asian bilingual students.
Effective Literacy Practices and Challenging Curriculum for At-Risk Learners: Great Expectations.
Described a research project carried out in a school serving students of diverse linguistic, cultural, and economic backgrounds-a population often the least well served by the educational system.
Elastic Geometry and Storyknifing: A Yup'ik Eskimo Example
Introduces elastic geometry, or topology, into the elementary classroom through the study of connecting the intuitive, visual, and spatial components of storyknifing as well as other everyday and ethnomathematical activities. (ASK).
Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
This encyclopedia is designed to promote bilingualism in a comprehensive and comprehensive manner and to be academically sound while remaining accessible to as wide an audience as possible. Each topic is presented in a clear, understandable style.
Epilogue: Toward an Understanding of Literacy Issues in Multicultural School-Age Populations
This epilogue to a forum on literacy issues in school-age children from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) backgrounds highlights research findings that address: the importance of home environment in influencing literacy; the relationship between socioeconomic status and literacy; and the use of dynamic assessment and process-dependent measures as alternative assessments. (Contains 10 references.) (CR).
ESL Policy and Practice: A Linguistic Human Rights Perspective
Finds that the reading performance of English-as-a-second-language students and English language learners immersed in regular education classes in a large urban school district was far below grade-level performance, across all categories of measurement; but that the performance of English language learners who had successfully exited from bilingual classes was consistently within or above the average range of performance. (SR).
ETS Study Links Effective Teaching Methods to Test-Score Gains.
Reports on the study conducted by Educational Testing Service associate research scientist Harold Wenglinsky on the relationship between indicators of teacher quality on the performance of eighth-grade students in the 1996 National Assessment of Education Progress in the United States. Teachers' classroom practices, professional development experiences and educational backgrounds that affect student performance.
Examining Multicultural Picture Books for the Early Childhood Classroom: Possibilities and Pitfalls
Picture books that depict the variety of ethnic, racial, and cultural groups within U.S. society (known generally as multicultural picture books) allow young children opportunities to develop their understanding of others, while affirming children of diverse backgrounds.
Exploring the Game of "Julirde": A Mathematical-Educational Game Played by Fulbe Children in Cameroon
Presents an educational mathematical activity from Africa. Shows how one child explored the game of Julirde, a game of the mosque emphasizing problem solving and symmetry.
Extending Multicultural Counselor Competence to Sexual Orientation
The purpose of this study was to develop and establish psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation Counselor Scale (SOCS), an instrument assessing the awareness, skills, and knowledge of counselors working with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) populations.
Faculty and Multicultural Education: An Analysis of the Levels of Curricular Integration within a Community College System
The United States population is projected to increase from 249 million in 1990 to 355 million by 2040, with minorities constituting more than half of the total population and a disproportionately large segment of the workforce. With changing demographics and increasing economic globalization, educational institutions will be confronted with reforming their curricula to meet new societal needs by promoting knowledge and understanding of different cultures.
Faculty Perspectives on Building a Diverse, Inclusive School Psychology Program
This paper examines the increased emphasis placed on multicultural diversity in the School Psychology Program at Indiana State University. Two assumptions were made about the prominent role diversity is assuming at the university.
Final Report on the Multicultural/Diversity Assessment Project
The Emporia State University Multicultural/Diversity Project developed a set of assessment instruments and a model evaluation plan to assess multicultural/diversity (MCD) outcomes in teacher education and general education programs. Assessment instruments and techniques were constructed to evaluate the impact of coursework on student attitudes, knowledge, and performance skills.
Fostering Community through the Use of Technology in a Distributed Learning Environment
With the technology revolution, the importance of creating a sense of community in the learning environment is as significant as ever. This article shares the lessons learned in developing and teaching a multicultural counseling course via distance and distributed education.
Futures Thinking: Consideration of the Impact of Educational Change on Black and Minority Ethnic Achievement
Discusses the potential of information and communications technology (ICT) and the World Wide Web to offer positive alternatives in contemporary British schools that are failing their black and minority group students. Describes the advantages of ICT and looks at future changes in the teaching profession and changes in the curriculum that will require knowledge of ICT.
General educators’ instructional adaptation for students with learning disabilities.
Details research exploring methods by which general educators introduce instructional adaptations to meet the needs of students with learning disabilities (LD) and provide an overview of the methods developed to extend general educators' adaptation strategies for students with LD. Results indicate variability in the extent to which teachers incorporate specialized adaptations to curriculum, instruction and assessments.
Globalization and Co-Integration of Universal Education
This paper proposes an educational system in which integrated institutions can become co-integrated and continentally co-integrated institutions can become universally integrated. An integrated institution is one that offers both academic programs and extracurricular activities that meet the needs of students from other institutions and countries.
Globalizing Instructional Materials: Guidelines for Higher Education
Discusses issues in training students to be culturally literate and the process for creating, designing, and developing cross-cultural (globalized) instructional materials. Defines terms associated with globalizing instructional materials and the process of adapting these materials to other cultures.
Handbook of Reading Research. Volume III
A comprehensive overview of important contemporary issues in the field of reading research, this book presents 47 essays that examine literacy through a variety of lenses--some permitting microscopic views and others panoramic views.
Help or Hindrance? Staff Perspectives on Developmental Assessment in Multicultural Early Childhood Settings
Thirty-five staff members' views on developmental assessment in a multicultural early childhood setting are described and used to initiate a critique of current practice in assessment of young children. Staff expressed a range of opinions from endorsement to frank rejection of the utility, validity, and ethics of developmental assessment.
Helping Students with Disabilities Participate in Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum. ERIC/OSEP Digest
This digest discusses how selected researchers are informing practice in four key areas relating to the participation of students with disabilities in standards-based mathematics curriculum. The first area focuses on enhancing students' understanding of mathematics and emphasizes the need to make math meaningful for students with disabilities.
High Stakes Down Under for Indigenous Peoples: Learning from Maori Education in New Zealand; An Outsiders Perspective
This paper examines the education of New Zealand's Maori people, noting historical achievement and enrollment gaps between Maori and non-Maori students. This gap is due to family economics, educational resources, cultural and racial barriers at school, negative school attitudes among older Maori students, and the student achievement testing system.
High-Performing Schools Serving Mexican American Students: What They Can Teach Us. ERIC Digest
A study examined the characteristics of successful schools along the Texas-Mexico border, where high percentages of students were Mexican American, came from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and had limited English proficiency. Three elementary schools, three middle schools, and three high schools were selected on the basis of the following criteria: enrollment of at least 66.6 percent Mexican American students, above-average standardized test scores on the Texas state assessment system, and state or national recognition.
High-stakes assessments in reading: A position statement of the International Reading Association.
International Reading Association presents its statement on high-stakes testing. States implications of high-stakes testing on students and tells why using tests for high-stakes decisions can cause problems.
Hong Kong Students' Attitudes Towards Cantonese, Putonghua, and English After the Change of Sovereignty
Examined the attitudes of Hong Kong secondary school students toward English, Cantonese, and Putonghua. Compared the language attitudes of two main groups of Hong Kong students, middle class elite and working class low achievers.
How Multiple Intelligences Theory Can Guide Teachers' Practices: Ensuring Success for Students with Disabilities
This OnPoint explored the intersection between Muultiple intelligence(MI) and special education. MI can be used to improve the learning opportunities for diverse learners, and it has a positive impact on both students with special needs and their teachers.
Immigrant Mothers Redefine Access to ESL Classes: Contradiction and Ambivalence
Argues that access to English-as-a-Second-Language classes is a complex issue, perhaps more personal and less amenable to solution than previously assumed. Examples are drawn from five individual life-history interviews with 19 non-English-speaking immigrant mothers of school children.
Impact of Two-Way Immersion on Students' Attitudes toward School and College. ERIC Digest
This digest reports on a study that examined the impact of participation in a two-way immersion program on the language and achievement outcomes of former program participants and on their current schooling path and college plans. The study explored outcomes for three groups of students: (1) Hispanic students who began the two-way program as English language learners; (2) Hispanic students who began the program as English-only or English-dominant speakers; and (3) European American students who entered the program as monolingual speakers of English.
Implementing Global Science Literacy
This book expands on the argument for a new type of science curriculum for secondary schools. Instead of being based on each of the major disciplines as are almost all current science curricula, it is suggested that curricula should be conceptually organized around the Earth system, including the science methodology of the system sciences, and capitalize on the cross-cultural characteristics of science to establish greater understanding of the contributions of all cultures.
Improving Teacher Quality.
Presents a chart depicting results of teacher assessments by state in the United States. Grade in the evaluation of teacher quality; Requirement of written test in licensing beginning-teachers; Incentives provided by a state on teachers earning National Board certification.
Improving teaching and learning with data-based decisions: Asking the right questions and acting on the answers.
Identified essential elements of effective use of data to improve instruction including: 1) good data; 2) staff expertise with collection and analysis of data; 3) sufficient time structured into the schedule for staff to analyze the information; and 4) carefully designed changes in curriculum and instruction in that address the needs identified by the analysis.
Inclusion of Students with Moderate or Severe Disabilities in Educational and Community Settings: Perspectives from Parents and Siblings
This study used qualitative research methodology to investigate parent and sibling perspectives on the educational and community inclusion of school aged students with moderate or severe disabilities. Interviews with parents from twenty-one families identified the type and extent of inclusive educational and community settings in which the student and his or her parents and siblings were involved.
Informational Memorandum: Degrees Conferred, 1998-99 Update.
This publication presents data on academic degrees conferred by the University of Wisconsin System. Tables are organized by institution and level; proportion of degrees conferred by level; degrees conferred by discipline area and level; trends in degrees conferred by discipline area; degrees conferred by gender; and degrees conferred by race/ethnicity.
Infusing Multiculturalism into Educational Psychology: Influence on Preservice Teachers' Attitudes toward Teaching African American Students
The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the influence that multicultural infusion would have on preservice teachers in an educational psychology course. Eight educational psychology classes at the same university participated in research to assess preservice teachers' attitudes toward teaching African American students.
Insights from the Field: Understanding Geography, Culture, and Service.
Designed for use with students in grades 6-12, this curriculum guide uses primary source materials from the experience of Peace Corps volunteers in countries, such as the Dominican Republic, to enliven the study of geography, culture, and service. The guide aims to engage students in an inquiry about the world, themselves, and others as they focus on a culture other than their own.
Instructional modifications used by national board-certified teachers.
Three National Board-Certified Teachers share modifications they used with preschool, elementary, and middle school students identified as difficult to teach. Each modification shared is presented in the reflective format recommended by NBTC.
Integrating Western and Aboriginal Sciences: Cross-Cultural Science Teaching
Addresses issues of social power and privilege experienced by Aboriginal students in science classrooms. Presents a rationale for a cross-cultural science education dedicated to all students making personal meaning out of their science classes.
Issues and Trends in Literacy Education. Second Edition
Noting the field of literacy education is vast and complicated, this book identifies the most significant issues and trends facing literacy educators today and to locate sources that explain principal viewpoints on these issues. Each chapter is made up of four parts: a brief introduction to the topic, the articles themselves, an annotated bibliography, and suggestions for further involvement.
Kaleidoscope: A Multicultural Booklist for Grades K-8. Fourth Edition. NCTE Bibliography Series
The fourth edition of this annotated bibliography collection offers students, teachers, and librarians a helpful guide to the best multicultural literature (published from 1999 to 2001) for elementary and middle school readers.
Latina/o Poetry: An Annotated Bibliography
Presents an annotated bibliography of Latina/Latino poetry anthologies that are considered well-suited for college introductory-level courses. These texts offer teachers and readers the elements needed to begin to understand and appreciate this type of poetry and how it can be meaningful.
Leadership Academies - Module 5, Assessment
Conducting sound assessments is a necessary part of exemplary teaching. Assessments not only evaluate student learning, they serve to guide subsequent instruction.
Learning Interdependence: A Case Study of the International/Intercultural Education of First-Year College Students
This volume asserts that international and intercultural experiences are powerful vehicles for first-year college students to learn the perspectives and skills necessary to function interdependently in a rapidly changing and complex world. This thesis is developed through an in-depth case study of efforts to provide such learning opportunities in a project called the First-Year Intercultural Experience at Hartwick College, a 4-year liberal arts and sciences institution in Oneonta, New York.
Learning the Chinese Language in a Multicultural Milieu: Factors Affecting Chinese-Canadian Adolescents' Ethnic Language School Experience
Surveys of 510 Chinese-Canadian adolescents attending 3 Chinese language schools in Calgary (Alberta) found that older immigrant children maintained or developed the native language better than younger ones, and limited teaching hours and insufficient reinforcement for using Chinese outside school hindered development of literacy in Chinese. (Contains 30 references.) (TD).
Learning to change: Teaching beyond subjects and standards.
Examines the realities of educational change from the frontline perspective of reform-minded teachers. It charts the perceptions and experiences of twenty-nine teachers in grades 7 and 8 from four school districts.
Learning To Listen: Cross-Ethnic Therapeutic Recreation Service Delivery
Suggests that is it important for therapeutic recreation organizations, training institutions, and certifying bodies to require cross-ethnic understanding in their curriculums and professional organizations, describing system directed service delivery and presenting several approaches, which include the bridging approach, multicultural agency approach, ethnic community organizations approach, and partnership model approach. (SM).
Legal perspectives on school outcomes assessment for students with disabilities.
Shows assessment of educational results for students with disabilities. IDEA '97 includes specific provisions regarding the participation of students with disabilities in general education assessment of student progress at both the district and state levels.
Lessons learned from students about assessment and instruction.
Analyzes the alignment between the task, a released item from the 1996 Fourth-Grade National Assessment of Educational Progress and Geometry Standard, and whether the task elicits student thinking that matches the quality of the learning goals.
Listening to Their Voices Connect Literary and Cultural Understandings: Responses to Small Group Read-Alouds of "Malcolm X: A Fire Burning Brightly."
Explores the kinds of literary understandings that become evident in African American second graders' unprompted oral and physical responses to "Malcolm X" and the cultural resources that children draw as they demonstrate these literary understandings. Concludes that discussion of multicultural literature can prompt the construction of complex literary understandings.
Listening/Nonverbal Communication Training
Proposes that cultural understanding and communication skills provide frameworks for developing tolerance and understanding. Analyzes the influence of listening/nonverbal communication training on an individual's level of multicultural sensitivity with applications for business and education.
Literacy and Bilingualism: A Handbook for ALL Teachers
This handbook provides background information, ideas for classroom instruction, and suggestions for reflective practice for teachers of literacy and bilingual students. All approaches described here encourage the integration of all language skills in teaching literacy.
Major Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education: Challenges, Controversies, and Insights. (Second Edition)
Noting that understanding the contexts, continuities, and controversies of early childhood education is especially challenging because of the diversity in the field, this book provides a critical examination of the issues and controversies surrounding early childhood practices, policies, and professional development.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field. Twenty-three chapters are grouped into five sections.
Mathematics for all—How do we get there?
Reviews research literature and policy documents on mathematics education, concluding that a combination of high quality curriculum materials, professional development, pedagogical strategies, and assessment, based on recent standards documents, is necessary, but not sufficient for achieving mathematics for all.
Measuring Counselor Competence with Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Clients: Implications for Multicultural Training
This study attempted to develop psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation Counselor Competency Scale (SOCCS), an instrument used to assess the awareness, skills, and knowledge of counselors working with the lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) population.
Meeting the Special Needs of Dual Language Learners with Disabilities: Integrating Data Based Instruction and the Standards for Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages
This paper on meeting the needs of students with disabilities who are learning English as a second language suggests integrating principles from the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Standards and Data Based Instruction (DBI).
Mexican Americans and Other Latinos in Postsecondary Education: Institutional Influences. ERIC Digest
The Latino population of the United States has grown dramatically in recent years, but Latino postsecondary participation and graduation rates have not increased. In 1998, only 7 percent of Mexican Americans (11 percent of all Latinos) held college degrees, versus 25 percent of the total U.S.
MinneTESOL/WITESOL Journal, 2000-2001
These two journal issues present articles on teaching design & practices, learning assessment, learning standards.
Models and methods for examining standards-based reforms and accountability initiatives: Have the tools of inquiry answered pressing questions on improving schools?
Presents a study that examined existing research on school reform and accountability. Meaning of standards-based reform and accountability; Distinction between academic and evaluation research; Implementation of standards-based reforms; Validity of standards-based assessments and accountability.
Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge and Skills: Directions for Adult Education Training Programs
Licensed professional counselors (n=207) completed the Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey, revealing insufficient competence in defining culture, understanding pluralism, analyzing culture, and assessing diverse clients. Comparison of those trained before and after 1990 showed the earlier group had additional insufficiencies.
Multicultural Career Counseling: Ten Essentials for Training
Critical areas in which career counselors need training are as follows: demographics, world of work, career and multicultural counseling competence, career counseling process, multicultural counseling theories, career development models, career assessment, barriers to career development, culturally sensitive career centers, and continuing professional development. (Contains 49 references.) (SK).
Multicultural Literature and Gifted Black Students: Promoting Self-Understanding, Awareness, and Pride
This article focuses on recommended literature for gifted black and other minority students. The use of bibliotherapy with gifted students is described and recommendations are presented for using multicultural literature, along with guidelines for selecting high quality multicultural literature.
Multicultural Literature in Rural Schools: A Social Studies Unit that Promotes Cultural Awareness
Presents a study in which 12 multicultural literature selections were used in a unit on families in order to facilitate the cultural awareness of second-grade students who live in a predominately African American, rural community. Discusses the themes that emerged.
Multicultural Science Education
Describes multicultural education and lists its basic premises. Explains the importance of science teachers' attitudes in learning.
Multicultural Training in Doctoral School Psychology Programs: In Search of the Model Program?
The multicultural training (MCT) of APA-accredited School Psychology programs was studied. The sample included faculty and students from five programs nominated for strong MCT and five comparison programs randomly selected from the list of remaining APA-accredited programs.
Multilingual Proficiency in Fiji Primary Schools
Determined language proficiency among multilingual Indo-Fijian primary school children who have the languages, Fiji-Hindi, Standard Hindi, Urdu, English, Fijian, and Fijian English in their speech repertoire. Identifies the variables that affect multilingual proficiency in this group and determines whether classroom practice reflects educational policy.
Newcomer Programs: An Educational Alternative for Secondary Immigrant Students
Examines the small but growing presence of newcomer programs being implemented in urban middle and high schools, providing the rationale for newcomer schools for recent, limited-English-speaking immigrants and summarizing data collected from a national study. Describes program designs in urban schools and their educational goals, instructional practices, and acculturation strategies.
NSTA pathways to the science standards: Guidelines for moving the vision into practice.
Highlights the NSTA process of developing standards for teaching science at the K-12th grade level.
One Size Still Does Not Fit All in Specific Learning Disability Assessment Across Ethnic Groups.
The use of IQ scores and discrepancy formulas for identifying specific learning disabilities (SLD) has been widely discredited by prominent researchers for more than a decade. Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of state policies still specify the use of discrepancy formulas, including the simple difference method, which is psychometrically inferior to regression-based methods.
Over-Identification of Students of Color in Special Education: A Critical Overview.
The purpose of this article is to present an overview of the overrepresentation of students of color in special education programs. For this purpose, we outline background history on the problem and discuss its magnitude.
Pharmaceutical Education in the South African Multicultural Society
Describes the educational quality assurance program implemented in South Africa in 1995 and its effects on pharmacy education, including development of outcomes-based competency standards for entry-level pharmacists.
Physical Activity of Children With and Without Mental Retardation in Inclusive Recess Settings
The purpose of this study was to compare physical activity levels of children with and without mental retardation. Thirty-four children were assessed in an inclusive recess setting and monitored for heart rate, activity counts and observational activity levels.
Preparing Chinese American Teachers: Implications for Multicultural Education
This study explored 48 Chinese-American teachers' and preservice teachers' perceptions of the multicultural course requirement in their teacher preparation program. Respondents had participated in one of four multicultural seminars between fall 1998 and fall 1999.
Preparing Special Educators To Meet the Needs of Linguistically Diverse Students with Disabilities. Final Report
This final report describes the activities and outcomes of a University of Northern Colorado project designed to enhance programs for preparing teachers to work with students with sensory impairments from linguistically diverse backgrounds. Project accomplishments included: (1) financially supporting 18 trainees who were pursuing a graduate degree in 1 of the 3 low-incidence programs at the University of Northern Colorado (hearing, vision, or multiple disabilities); (2) developing a course that introduced issues related to the educational needs of students with low-incidence disabilities who come from multicultural communities; (3) infusing competencies addressing the needs of linguistically diverse students with low-incidence disabilities within existing courses; (4) targeting recruiting efforts to attract qualified bilingual trainees, or trainees interested in developing second language competences and teaching students from non-English speaking communities; (5) conducting a multi-state needs assessment of current practices and competencies needed by teachers working with linguistically diverse students with low-incidence disabilities; (6) supplementing a resource library with assessments and instructional materials designed for linguistically diverse students; and (7) establishing an advisory committee to guide the project in achieving its goals.
Preschoolers' Language during Use of Multiethnic Books in Daycare
One of the purposes for providing children with multiethnic books is to promote acceptance of diversity, yet the results of this exposure have rarely been empirically studied. The purpose of this study was to explore the story-related topics of discussion initiated by eleven 4- and 5-year-olds as they used multiethnic books during small group adult-initiated readings and one-on-one child-initiated emergent readings in one daycare classroom.
Principals and Standards for School Mathematics.
This book updates the messages of NCTM's previous Standards and shows how students' learning should grow across four grade bands-pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. It incorporates a clear set of principles and an increased focus on how students' knowledge grows as shown by recent research.
Principles and practices of socio-cultural assessment: foundations for effective strategies for linguistically diverse classrooms.
Provides assessment principles and practices that are coherent with the socio-cultural perspective and emphasizes four assessment accommodations that are appropriate for ESL learners in mainstream classrooms.
Professional Development Guide for Educators. The Multicultural Resource Series, Volume 1
This guide presents a collection of personal essays written by educators who describe how multicultural education has transformed their teaching. It also includes resources such as multicultural organizations, publications, videos, and Web sites.
Professional development schools provide effective theory and practice
A description of an innovative Professional Development School program initiated by a Midwestern university is described. Successful components of this model are explained.
Profoundly Multicultural Questions
Argues that multicultural education practices in most schools today have not adequately addressed the larger issues of social justice and equal access to educational resources. Discusses four profoundly multicultural questions educators must address: Who's taking calculus? Which classes meet in the basement? Who's teaching the children? How much are children worth? (Contains 25 references.) (PKP).
Prologue: Toward an Understanding of Literacy Issues in Multicultural School-Age Populations
This article introduces a forum that explores issues surrounding literacy in multicultural school-age populations. It discusses sociocultural factors that overshadow traditional literacy-learning objectives, the relationship between low socioeconomic status and low literacy, environmental influences that affect literacy, and culturally biased assessments that challenge educators to find reliable alternative assessments.
Promoting Cultural Awareness and the Acceptance of Diversity through the Implementation of Cross-Cultural Activities
An action research project implemented a program for developing tolerance through increased cultural awareness. Targeted population consisted of third grade and high school students in a rural, middle class community in western Illinois.
PT3. [SITE 2002 Section]
This document contains 142 papers on PT3 (Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to use Technology) from the SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2002 conference.
Race and Higher Education: Why Justice Powell's Diversity Rationale for Racial Preferences in Higher Education Must Be Rejected
The assertion of the right of higher education institutions to use racial preferences in their admissions policies has been based on the diversity rationale that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Lewis F.
Reading "The Star Fisher": Toward Critical and Sociological Interpretations of Immigrant Literature
Proposes a critical-sociological approach to analyzing immigrant literature, noting that for many students, their only contact with immigrants may be through representations in children's literature. Examines how Chinese immigrants to the United States are represented in Laurence Yep's (1992) "The Star Fisher," discussing how the issues of race, class, and ideology influence Yep's construction and representation of Chinese immigrant subjectivities.
Reading and the Native American Learner. Research Report
Intended as a resource for mainstream teachers, this document summarizes current research on effective ways for teachers to meet the educational needs of American Indian students in public schools. The first section discusses the history of U.S.
Recognizing and responding to cultural differences in the education of culturally and linguistically diverse learners
Describes a variety of ways that culture influences teacher-student and teacher-parent interactions and provides recommendations to help educators respond to the educational needs of CLD students with and without disabilities.
Recognizing and Responding to Cultural Differences in the Education of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners.
Cultural differences between educators and culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students can have negative effects on the education of CLD learners. Much of the special education literature pertaining to the education of CLD learners has focused on biased assessment practices that lead to overrepresentation.
Reliability and Validity of Three Measures of Multicultural Competency
Examines the reliability and validity of three measures of multicultural competency, the Multicultural Counseling Awareness Scale: Form B (MCAS), the Multicultural Awareness-Knowledge-and Skills Survey (MAKSS), and the Survey of Graduate Students' Experiences with Diversity (GSEDS). The findings generally support the psychometric soundness of these surveys, with some important exceptions.
Reliability, Validity, and Authenticity in American Indian and Alaska Native Research. ERIC Digest
The constructs used to evaluate research quality--valid, objective, reliable, generalizable, randomized, accurate, authentic--are not value-free. They all require human judgment, which is affected inevitably by cultural norms and values.
Report card models that support communication and differentiation of instruction.
Focuses on the need for teachers to consider the grading of students with special needs in the context of report card grading policies for all students in the U.S.
Research Methods and Methodologies for Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Issues in Art Education. Crossing Cultural, Artistic, and Cyber Borders: Issues and Examples in Art Education Conference (Tempe, Arizona, January 7-8, 2000)
This monograph is the outgrowth of a conference that explored research concerns related to multi-cultural and cross-cultural contexts in art education. In the monograph, presentations are organized into three sections.
Restructuring the General Studies Program at a Public Urban University: Assessment, Evaluation, and Implementation. AIR 2000 Annual Forum Paper
This study presents a process used to assess the general education component of the undergraduate curriculum, focusing particularly on the components of the methodology that provided the data used to suggesting changes in the program.
Results of the NAEP 2003 trial urban district assessment.
Presents data on the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
Rethinking Our Classrooms: Teaching for Equity and Justice. Volume 2
This companion volume to the first "Rethinking Our Classrooms" presents a collection of articles, curriculum ideas, lesson plans, poetry, and resources designed for educators seeking to pair concerns for social justice with student academic achievement.
Salary-Trend Study of Faculty in Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies for the Years 1997-98 and 2000-01
This report is part of an annual national survey that examines salaries of full-time teaching faculty in 54 selected disciplines. Data for the study as a whole were collected from 305 public and 403 private institutions for the baseline year of 1997-1998 and the trend year of 1999-2000.
Service-Learning for Multicultural Teaching Competency: Insights from the Literature for Teacher Educators
Examined the literature to answer: (1) "What outcomes have resulted from preservice teachers' involvement in service-learning activities in diverse community settings?" and (2) "What challenges exist to enhance their multicultural teaching competencies through service-learning?" Summarizes three challenges (e.g., the resiliency of preservice teachers' negative attitudes toward children and families of color; service-learning activities that emphasize charity, not social change); and offers recommendations for addressing them. (EV).
Sharing Our Pathways: A Newsletter of the Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative, 2001
This document contains the five issues of "Sharing Our Pathways" published in 2001. This newsletter of the Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative (AKRSI) documents efforts to make Alaska rural education--particularly science education--more culturally relevant to Alaska Native students.
Skilled Dialogue
When we interact with students, whether to assess or to instruct, we are in dialogue with them; that is, we are transmitting and exchanging meaning across the boundaries of their identities and our own. Skilled Dialogue© is a relational approach to communication and interactions that stems from the evidence-based premise that three qualities characterize cultural competence: respect, reciprocity, and responsiveness.
Sociocultural Considerations in Social Skills Training Research with African American Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders.
Students with emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD) often have been identified on the basis of their social competence deficits. The overrepresentation of African American students in special education programs for EBD has been recognized for decades.
Special and Gifted Education and the Legacy of "Plessy v. Ferguson."
Students enrolled in regular, special, or gifted education have much to offer society and should not be consigned to the quarantines of separate schooling, as in the case of "Plessy." Older tracking and assessment models have outlived their usefulness within the current context of a multicultural society. (Contains 20 references.) (MLH).
Standards and Teacher Quality: Entering the New Millennium
Discusses methods to improve teacher quality in the United States. Training in how to teach which includes development, instructional strategies for various types of learners, assessment and evaluation strategies; Research which has demonstrated that teachers who are fully licensed are more effective than those who are not; History of education and teacher quality assessment, including the creation of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).
Standards for the assessment of reading and writing.
International Reading Association & National Council of Teachers of English outline standards for assessing reading and writing.
Standards, accountability and school reform
Discusses the unintended outcome of academic standards, accountability reporting and school reform. Specifically the impact of academic performance rating on student learning is addressed.
State Politics, Students, Administrators, and Faculty: Teaching American Studies in Idaho
A professor who teaches an American Studies course at the University of Idaho contends that she has her work cut out for her. According to the professor, Idaho's conservative political climate has led to her learning to negotiate.
State Teacher Policies Tied to Student Results.
Provides information on the study conducted by Linda Darling-Hammond, education professor at Stanford University on the ties between state policies on teacher quality and statewide student performance in the United States. Predictors of students' improvement on the National Assessment of Educational Progress; Federal databases of teachers' qualifications and student performance; Comments from Darling-Hammond.
Strategic Plan; 2002-2007
This government document outlines the plan for public education according to the administration of President Bush and former Secretary Rod Paige.
Student Associations at a South African Medical School: Implications for Educators
Describes the student interactions of second-year medical students at the University of Natal (South Africa), until recently an historically black institution. Notes student associations are predominantly along racial/ethnic and gender lines, and offers an analysis from historical, political, and cultural perspectives.
Student Diversity, Choice, and School Improvement
This book examines research about trends affecting public school diversity, improvement, and choice. It finds that schools with socioeconomically and racially diversified student bodies are more effective learning communities than schools that are poverty-concentrated and racially homogenous; public school choice implemented via the controlled choice method of student assignment, with enrollment fairness guidelines for schools in student attendance zones consisting of pluralistic populations and several school sites equitably available to all zone residents, is the best way to achieve diversified student bodies; and whole school change with a focused curriculum for all is a more effective learning environment than magnet school attractor programs within schools that are not available to all students.
Teacher Education: Preparing Teachers for Diversity
This qualitative case study documents how one student teacher was able to enrich her understanding of what it means to work in a multicultural environment. The study examined what the student teacher considered to be culturally responsive teaching and how she described culturally responsive teaching.
Teacher Effectiveness and Computer Assessment of Reading: Relating Value Added and Learning Information System Data
The Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) has for several years used the largest longitudinally merged database of student achievement data in the USA. to generate estimates of school system, school, and teacher effects on indicators of student learning in a number of subjects, including reading comprehension.
Teacher Effectiveness and Computer Assessment of Reading:Relating Value Added and Learning Information System Data.
Discusses data from the Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System, the largest longitudinally merged database of student achievement data in the US. Illuminated some factors in teacher management of the quality and quantity of student reading practice.
Teacher Learning
Science now offers new conceptions of the learning process and the development of competent performance. This book presents a contemporary account of principles of learning, and calls into question concepts and practices commonly used in schools.
Teacher Quality and Student Performance in New York City's Low-Performing Schools
Evaluated achievement data on low- and high-performing urban elementary and middle school students and data on teacher characteristics, investigating relationships between teacher quality and student achievement. While poverty and minority status may have negatively influenced school achievement, they were exacerbated by stresses created by the school system.
Teacher retention, teacher effectiveness, and professional preparation: A comparison of professional developmnet school and non-professional development school graduates
Compared Professional Development School (PDS) and non-PDS graduates regarding retention in teaching, teaching effectiveness, and perceptions of professional preparation. Surveys of beginning teachers and principals found no differences in teacher retention.
Teacher Self-Evaluation of Renewal Efforts of Their Teaching Practices To Improve Student Achievement
This study evaluated how teachers perceived their efforts to improve their teaching practices by participating in the Jacksonville Urban Educational Partnership (JUEP), a Professional Development School (PDS). The JUEP was designed to create sustained, high quality, professional development systems for inservice educators in three PDSs.
Teachers engaged in evidence-based reform: Trajectories of teacher’s inquiry, analysis, and action.
Summarizes the results of a study of the Bay Area School Reform Collaborative in which teachers used the inquiry process as a means for learning and changing their school and classroom practices.
Teachers wanted
Discusses the shortage of teachers and efforts to recruit them in the United States as of fall 2000. View of educators that an opportunity exits to improve American schools and the work of teachers; Issue of salaries and professional prestige; Reform in education, including the idea of a career ladder for teachers; Data on the teaching profession.
Teachers' Beliefs, Antiracism and Moral Education: Problems of Intersection
Explores the potential problems of intersection between the defining aims of antiracist education and teachers' beliefs about the aims of education. Identifies a framework for differentiating three ethical perspectives that teachers often take in articulating and justifying their beliefs about the ideal aims of education.
Teachers' Responses to Policy Implementation: Interactions of New Accountability Policies and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in Urban School Reform
This paper explores how new accountability policies interact with culturally relevant teaching at the classroom level. When teachers are under the constraints of accountability and student testing policies, are they able to adopt and practice culturally relevant pedagogy in their classrooms? Previous research indicates that high-stakes accountability systems connected with standardized testing are viewed as having negative effects on teachers, the teaching profession, and curriculum and instruction.
Teachers’ developing ideas and practices about mathematics performance assessment: Successes, stumbling blocks, and implications for professional development.
Describes the positive outcomes in how teachers align assessment and instruction through varied professional development opportunities both inside and outside the school.
Teaching Other People's Ideas to Other People's Children: Integrating Messages from Education, Psychology, and Critical Pedagogy
Educational endeavors are enriched by diverse forms of knowledge and experience, and, particularly in urban schools,by diverse children and teachers. An important educational task is teaching other people's ideas to other people's children.
Teaching the Growing Population of Nontraditional Students
This document contains three articles on teaching the growing population of nontraditional students.
Teaching towards Cultural Awareness and Intercultural Competence: From What through How to Why Culture Is?
This article provides an account of some characteristics of the current situation of culture teaching in foreign language education. The focus is that existing approaches need to be revisited and redefined, because the superficiality characterizing the way culture is taught is not very helpful in raising learners' cultural awareness and developing their intercultural competence.
Teaching with Picture Books in the Middle School
Arguing that picture books have much to offer students in the upper grades (including middle school and even high school students), this book discusses using picture books to stimulate students' thinking in a variety of topic areas.
Technology and Teacher Preparation: Towards a Humanistic Framework
This paper examines the place of technology in augmenting future teachers' conceptual awareness and professional skills, highlighting major assumptions about integrating technology into teacher preparation programs (e.g., students have some level of technological literacy prior to entering school, computers are basic necessities in today's schools, and technological literacy is a major skill that must be integrated in education).
The Access Center: Improving Outcomes for All Students K – 8.
The Access Center provides technical assistance that strengthens state and local capacity to help students with disabilities effectively learn in the general education curriculum. This electronic resource provides a variety of references on Instructional Methods and Practices, Supports and Accommodations, and Assessment.
The Adventor Program: Advisement and Mentoring for Students of Color in Higher Education
To promote the academic success of and to retain students of color, the College of Education at Kutztown University, Kutztown, Pennsylvania, has designed and implemented the Adventor Program, an intervention initiative fusing academic advising and mentoring into a proactive model. The program's rationale and the pilot year's findings are presented.
The Care and Education of Young Bilinguals: An Introduction for Professionals
This book is a comprehensive introduction for all professionals working with bilingual children. For speech therapists, physicians, psychologists, counselors, teachers, special needs personnel, and many others, this book addresses the most important issues at a practical level.
The Challenge of Educating English Language Learners in Rural Areas
Rural school districts are experiencing an influx of language minority students. Rural communities generally have little experience with people from other cultures and have fewer resources and bilingual people.
The Development of a Cultural Assessment Tool: Paving the Way to a Culturally Comfortable Classroom
In a multicultural classroom it is the seemingly small issues, such as classroom informality or interpersonal relationships between male and female students, that can cause misunderstandings and problems. This paper delineates a simple assessment tool to determine what behaviors might be a source of potential discomfort in the classroom.
The Dynamic Nature of Response: Children Reading and Responding to "Maniac Magee" and "The Friendship."
Analyzes the conversations and writings of 2 ethnically diverse populations of fifth-grade children (ages 10 and 11) in response to the powerful and difficult themes contained in two award-winning children's books. Discusses the child's voice; the teacher's role as cultural mediator; responses at the literal level; reading between the lines; responding to moral dilemmas; and personal responses to the books.
The Enhanced Citizenship Curriculum for Schools in the Bradford District
Describes efforts to improve Britain's QCA (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority) citizenship curriculum to reflect anti-racism issues, highlighting the Enhanced Citizenship Curriculum for schools in the Bradford District. Presents principles underpinning this effort and looks at six major changes to make the National Curriculum for Citizenship more relevant to Bradford schools.
The Foundations of Assessment. Measurement
Presents major messages from the National Research Council report, Knowing What Students Know: The Science and Design of Educational Assessment (2001). The committee’s work focused on the assessment of achievement (or school learning), as opposed to the assessment of aptitude (or ability), although many of the principles set forth generally apply to both types of testing.
The Inclusive school
This book is a collection of stories by illustrated by teachers and principals. Each of their stories illustrates the delicate balancing act they perform by remaining committed to public education, inspite of policies that are not in the best interest of children.
The Language of Disability Diagnosises: Writing and Talking Back in Multicultural Settings
Fiction, journal, and creative writing can help highlight the positive qualities of diverse minority children. Educational psychology often diagnoses difference as disability.
The Multicultural Mission of Developmental Education: A Starting Point
Asks a number of questions concerning the delivery of multicultural education, including, "How do we define multiculturalism?" and, "Whose responsibility is it to provide equity in higher education?" Articulates 10 guiding principles for achieving equity in institutions of higher learning, and offers a brief discussion of these principles. (Contains 11 references.) (NB).
The National Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Final Report.
To commemorate 2002 as the centennial year of America's 4-H Movement, the National 4-H Council held a national conversation to identify ways of improving youth development programs.
The Primary Program: Growing and Learning in the Heartland. Second Edition
This primary education curriculum guide was developed jointly by the Iowa and Nebraska Departments of Education to provide educators with a coherent framework to guide local planning for reform of educational programs for children at the kindergarten and primary level.
The Relationship between Racial Identity Development and Multicultural Counseling Competency
Incoming doctoral students (n=65 European Americans; n=22 People of Color) completed a battery of tests considering the relationship between racial identity development and multicultural counseling competency. Analysis determined that more advanced levels of racial identity development generally correlated with higher levels of multicultural counseling competency, greater amounts of prior multicultural training, and higher self-reported ratings of overall counseling competency.
The Role and Responsibilities of Teaching Assistants in Inclusive Education: What's Appropriate?
This study describes a social validation of appropriate roles and responsibilities for teaching assistants (TAs) in inclusive classrooms. A self-report survey was rated by a sample of general education teachers, special education teachers, and TAs employed in urban and rural inclusive programs.
The State of Students of Color, 2001
This report reviews the educational experiences of students of color in Minnesota schools, colleges, and universities, highlighting students and communities of color; students of color K-12 enrollments; students of color K-12 achievement; students of color college success; early college awareness; and redefining success for students of color.
Transformational Leadership, Student Achievement, and School District Financial and Demographic Factors
This paper explores whether or not there is a statistically significant relationship between superintendent leadership styles and selected financial and demographic factors in Texas school districts. Specifically, it examines the relationship between superintendent leadership styles and (a) student achievement as evidenced by district ratings, and (b) selected school district financial and demographic factors.
Transforming the Multicultural Education of Teachers: Theory, Research, and Practice. Multicultural Education Series
This book recognizes the important role teacher education programs can play in providing culturally responsive teachers for 21st century public school classrooms. It provides a range of transformative perspectives on the multicultural education of teachers, emphasizing race, racism, anti-racism, and democracy .
Trends in the Scholarship on Teachers of Color for Diverse Populations: Implications for Multicultural Education
Reviews patterns from literature on teachers of color and teacher preparation, including: recruitment and retention; role models; assessment; alternative programs for particular populations; and perceptions of programs and teaching. Analyzes 90 records that appeared when combining the descriptors multicultural education and teachers of color.
Trends in the Scholarship on Teachers of Color for Diverse Populations: Implications for Multicultural Education
This paper reviews patterns in the literature on minority teachers and teacher preparation. The study involved an extensive literature search using the following database selections: Books in Print A-Z; ERIC Database 1966-2000; Education Abstracts FTX 6/83-12/99; PsycINFO 1984-2000/02; Sociological Abstracts 1963-1999/12; and Social Sciences Abst FTX 2/83-12/99.
Understanding Puerto Rican Culture Using Puerto Rican Children's Literature
Presents examples of Puerto Rican children's literature, explaining how these books facilitate understanding of Puerto Rican culture. Describes criteria used to evaluate Puerto Rican children's literature and how to acquire the books using Puerto Rican bookstores, publishers, and distributors.
What do first-year special education teachers need?
Analysis of focus groups of beginning special education teachers, teacher mentors, and administrators considers the needs of beginning special education teachers, forms of needed support, content of needed support, and the sense of isolation and need for support. Implications for teacher induction and teacher mentoring programs are drawn, also print and Web resources on mentoring and beginning teachers are identified.
What Is Good Multicultural Children's Literature and How Do We Critique It? Distinguishing between Image and Value
Multicultural literature is one good way to raise children's awareness of diversity, but how does one decide what constitutes "good" multicultural children's literature? Most any book can be critiqued from numerous perspectives: first and foremost is the book's literary quality--plot, character development, setting, themes, and style; of secondary importance is the author's and/or illustrator's handling of a particular social issue, such as gender or cultural depictions of the characters.