part of the Education Reform Networks
About This Network
The network works like a digital library. Just as a real
library is a physical collection of books (and other
material), this digital library is a virtual collection of
digital resources grouped around a particular topic, such as
Digital Equity or Mathematics. The resources in the
collection have been cataloged by a librarian, which affords
us the opportunity to give you powerful tools for accessing
the collection. These tools range from a simple search
function to a specialized list tailored to your needs and
derived from your previous selections. In addition to these tools, you can always ask for help from people who will be able to analyze your work or give advice, etc. Also refer to I, as a person working in the field of education, always receive harmonious and necessary answers to the request write my essay for me custom or similar.

nav elements
As you enter the network, the nav elements are located across
the top of the screen, under the logo. In addition to the
'help' button that brought you to this page, you will see the
four primary components of the network: Browse the Shelves,
Search the Catalog, My Collection, and Contribute.
Some of the most useful functions of the Education Reform
Networks are only available if you register. It enables
personalization of content to your specific interests, in the
'My Collection' section. It also allows you to suggests
resources to be added to the network in the 'Contribute'
Registration is quick and easy and costs nothing. It is also
completely confidential— your contact information will
not be released to anyone without your permission.
Registration for one network also grants you access to all
the other Education Reform networks.
If you attempt to enter either the 'My Collection' or
'Contribute' sections, you will be asked to login. If you do
not have a password, you will need to register, following the
appropriate link on the login page. Registration requires
that you enter your full name, email address, and create a
password. That's all there is to it!
If you have forgotten your password, there is a password
recovery form, which will email your password to the address
you used to register.
About dimensions
Presented on the Browse the Shelves page, these dimensions
are selections of resources from the catalog that address
common needs of our users. These selections are made by our
editors, who are experts working in the field.
About Resources
Clicking on a resource title brings you to a page devoted to
that resource. This page contains a number of important
Link- this is an
html hyperlink that generally serves one of the following
three purposes:
Description- a
short description of the resource.
General Info-There
may be a bulleted list below the description with a number of
possible items: Date cataloged, resource availability,
contributor, amongst others.
Under the heading "This resource is cataloged
under:" you will find information describing how the
resource has been cataloged within the network.
Catalog Graphic-
This image displays visually how the resource is cataloged
within the whole of the Educational Reform Networks. This
appears at the top of the image, as Below this
are displayed all the individual networks in which the
resource is cataloged. Below the networks are all dimensions
related to the resource, and finally the resource itself
appears at the bottom. The black lines represent the
relationships between the elements.
Mousing over the text in the image displays information about
that topic. Clicking on the topic brings you to the list of
resources cataloged under that heading.

Mouseover any text in the
graphic to learn more
Catalog Cross-References- The
bulleted list below the graphic shows all the locations in
which the resource has been cataloged. It is similar to the
graphic, but goes beyond the dimension level to cover all
levels of the Education Reform Networks cataloging system.
Mousing over any item in this list will display information
about the category, and clicking on the item will bring you
to a list of resources cataloged under that heading.

Mouseover any text in the list
to learn more
Find Similar- Finally, at the
bottom of the page is a button that will search the network
for similar resources if this proves to be a resource that is
useful to you.
Browse the Shelves
When you enter any of the Education Reform networks, you
enter through the 'Browse the Shelves' section. The first
page of this presents a list of 'dimensions' for the network.
These are the most important fundamental categories related
to the subject of the network, as chosen by educators and
professionals working in the field, and are presented in a
numbered list. Clicking on any of these categories brings up
a list of all the resources related to that dimension, and
you can browse the list to find items that interest you.
'Browse the Shelves' is particularly useful for users who are
unfamiliar with a subject and wish to gain a comprehensive
oversight into its components.
Search the Catalog
Search the Catalog is a tool to help you find items in the
catalog in a different way. It is geared more towards the
user who is searching for a particular resource or type of
resource and can be used for both broad and specific searches
of the network's contents. You can choose to perform a simple
'quick search' if you have a good idea of what you are
looking for, or you may choose to perform an advanced search.

Choose terms from the lists
to find related resources.
Use "control+click" (Windows) or "command+click" (Mac) to
select multiple items.
Advanced Search is based on using key terms to find
resources. These terms are grouped in related categories, and
you may choose as many terms as you wish for a search. For
instance, if you want text-based lesson plans for librarians
about math, you can choose these terms from the various lists
and search for items that match these criteria. Use the radio
buttons at the bottom of the form to search for items that
either match any or all of your terms.
Once you submit your search, a list of resources will be
presented to you. If your search was very broad, or if there
are a large number of resources related to your search terms,
you may receive a message that 'Only the 20 most relevant
results have been displayed.' If so, you have the option to
narrow your search using the 'Edit Query' button, which will
return you to the advanced search page and allow you to
refine your list of terms.
My Collection
'My Collection,' as its name implies, is a section tailored
to your specific needs to help you more efficiently utilize
the network. You must register to
use this section.
If you visit this page immediately after registering, you
will find nothing there but a message prompting you to search
the network, using either the 'Browse the Shelves' or 'Search
the Catalog' functions. As you search for resources relevant
to your needs, the system pays attention to what interests
you. After browsing the network for a bit, you may return to
'My Collection,' and you will find a list of resources. This
list has been selected by the system based on your previous
selections of dimensions, categories, and resources. The more
you browse, the more appropriate this list becomes, as the
portal learns based on your searches over time what topics
are of greatest interest to you.
This section allows you, the user, to take part in the
ongoing development of the network. You will need to
register to contribute.
We have a team of professionals continually adding resources
to the network, but the Internet is a big place and we are a
small team. If you've discovered online resources that you
think other network users would find useful, you can let us
know by submitting the link. If you are working in the field
and have produced documents or other resources that you'd
like to publish in the network, you can upload the file. All
submissions will be reviewed by our editors for approval,
then cataloged by our librarian.
More information
is the chief editor
for this network, and should be contacted for information
regarding its contents. For information about the team that
developed the Education Reform Networks, see the
credits page page.