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  • "Leyendas" (Legends): Connecting Reading Cross-Culturally
    Describes how using the Hispanic tale "La Llorona" can help teachers connect cross-culturally with their students for enhanced literacy instruction. Describes ways "La Llorona" may be used in courses for preservice education majors and in elementary and middle-grade classes.
  • "More than I Bargained For": Confronting Biases in Teacher Preparation
    This paper presents the cases of four preservice teachers enrolled in a critical multicultural education course during Spring 2000, showing how the readings, cross-racial dialogues, and journal reflections that were part of the course helped students, for the first time and irrespective of race and gender, discuss their experiences and question personal views on race, class, gender, and sexuality. Throughout the semester, student teachers read and discussed topics that challenged their thinking about race, class, gender, and sexuality.
  • "The Politics of Multiculturalism and Bilingual Education: Students and Teachers Caught in the Cross Fire," by C. J. Ovando and P. McLaren (2000). Book Review
    Reviews an anthology that provides undergraduate and graduate students with theoretical and practical discussion on various ideological convictions in the fields of multiculturalism and bilingual education. Discusses theoretical conflicts and ideologies affecting the field of multiculturalism, and the more immediate effects of politics on teaching and learning in schools.
  • A Blueprint for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support: Implementation of Three Components
    This article presents a study on the influence of positive behavioral support in the attitudes of exceptional children in the U.S. Details on social and learning outcomes; components of behavioral support; and the significance of education in providing behavioral support to students with disabilities were discussed.
  • A Call for Multicultural Counseling in Middle Schools
    Defines multicultural middle school counseling and outlines three main reasons for offering multicultural counseling designed specifically for young adolescents. Outlines problems faced by non-native students and presents guidelines for middle school counselors who work in multicultural settings.
  • A Dose of Empathy
    Argues that teachers cannot teach empathy, generosity, and kindness in the same way they teach solving a math problem, but that teachers can help raise awareness of these values and affirm them whenever possible. Describes five picture books that examine the importance of reaching out to others, and that may help move students from intellectual understanding to compassionate action.
  • A Historical Perspective on Title VII Bilingual Education Projects in Hawai'i: Compendium of Promising Practices
    This paper reviews the history of Title VII bilingual education in Hawaii for the purpose of sharing promising practices that have emerged. The implementation of these models in Hawaii has resulted in such outcomes as the following: (1) improvement in students' English language skills; (2) improvement in students' academic achievement; (3) enhanced self-concept; (4) enhanced pride in cultural heritage; (5) increased competencies of bilingual and mainstream teachers and school, district, and state staff; and (6) increased involvement of limited-English-proficient (LEP) parents and community representatives in the schools.
  • A Longitudinal Measure of the Perceptual Impact of a Cultural Diversity Teaching Practicum on the Interpersonal Competency of Student Teachers
    Student teachers in agricultural education (n=18) and family and consumer sciences (n=6) completed a multicultural attitudes survey before, immediately after, and 1 year after a practicum in a diverse setting. Their greatest gain was in teacher-student relationships.
  • A new high school design focused on student performance.
    Performance-driven schools create a results-oriented culture, strongly support staff development, build community services and supports for students, help parents support their children's academic progress and develop an inclusive school leadership style. NASSP Bulletin, Vol.
  • A Preliminary Analysis of Counseling Students' Attitudes toward Counseling Women and Women of Color: Implication for Cultural Competency Training
    Counseling students (N=56) responded to peer-generated presentations on counseling women and counseling women of color. Qualitative methodology was used to identify students' racial, ethnic, and gender attitudes in counseling contexts.
  • Across-Program Collaboration to Support Students With and Without Disabilities in a General Education Classroom
    We conducted a program evaluation of a multi-component intervention using general education/special education collaborative teaming to increase the academic achievement and social participation of students with and without disabilities.
  • Adult Role Models: Needed Voices for Adolescents, Multiculturalism, Diversity, and Race Relations
    Examines parents', teachers', and administrators' beliefs about positive race relations and multiculturalism. Interview data indicate that parents and school role models are working to model acceptance of all cultures, and they understand that contacts and interactions with people of all races are necessary to make children better persons, lessening prejudice and biases not suitable in a diversified society.
  • Affective Thought, Personalized Democracy, and the Council's Multicultural Mission
    Visualizes what embodied learning and shared authority looks like in an alternative high school for mostly Latino students. Argues for an approach to teaching that looks to teacher-student relationships.
    This article examines the root causes for the overrepresentation of African American students in special education classes and their underrepresentation in gifted and talented programs in America's public schools. The article (a) provides a historic overview of the legal struggles for educational equity, (b) examines key issues surrounding the academic status of African American students, (c) discusses multicultural education as a remedy, and (d) recommends an appropriate course of action for educators and policy makers.ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR.
  • Alternative Schools and Roma Education: A Review of Alternative Secondary School Models for the Education of Roma Children in Hungary. World Bank Regional Office Hungary NGO Studies
    In recent years, a number of experiments have been undertaken in Hungary with alternative approaches to secondary school education for Roma children. This report examines six different institutions that have attempted to help Roma children make the transition from basic to secondary school, and to improve their performance and future opportunities in education and in the labor market.
  • American Educational History Journal, 2001
    This 2001 annual publication contains 31 articles on topics germane to the history of education. Each year, this journal publishes papers presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest History of Education Society.
  • An Oral Versus a Standard Administration of a Large-Scale Mathematics Test
    Students in Grades 4, 5, 7, and 8 (N=1,343) took part in a study to determine whether students with learning disabilities (LD) would benefit from having mathematics test items read aloud. Two 30-item alternate forms of a large-scale multiple-choice mathematics test were administered.
  • Assessing the Impact of a Prejudice Prevention Project
    Reports on the effectiveness of a prejudice prevention intervention that was used among a culturally diverse group of students in Hawaii. Results indicate that teachers observed significant improvement in the students' cooperative social skills as a result of participating in the multicultural guidance activities.
  • Becoming a teacher in a professional development school
    Interviewed graduates from two Professional Development Schools to determine the impact of that experience on subsequent teaching practices. Graduates reported that student teaching had the greatest impact because of the extended time and depth of experience in the classroom, the quality of mentoring they received, the connections they drew between theory and practice, and the emphasis on collaboration and reflection.
  • Behavioral Support
    1 Assumptions About Behavior Problems and Behavior Change 2 Individualized Behavioral Support Plans: Problem Identification and Functional Assessment 3 Individualized Behavioral Support Plans: Designing, Using, and Evaluating Plans 4 Teaching Social Interaction and Self-Management Skills 5 The Classroom Community: Mutual Respect, Self-Direction, and Solving Problems Together.
  • Beth B. v. Van Clay
    Addresses the intersection of LRE and, Rowley, . School district's recommendation that student with Rett Syndrome be placed in special education ("life skills") classroom, with reverse mainstreaming opportunities, satisfied provision of IDEA requiring FAPE, and LRE provision of IDEA, requiring that district mainstream disabled student to greatest extent appropriate; although regular classroom would be less restrictive than special education classroom, disabled student was only in regular class for about half the day, and her academic and developmental progress was limited, so that student did not receive satisfactory education in regular classroom, and thus, recommended placement did not violate IDEA.
  • Beyond Access: Methods and Models for Increasing Retention and Learning among Minority Students. New Directions for Community Colleges, Issue 112. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series
    This edition of New Directions for Community Colleges offers community college educators alternative models, approaches, and perspectives to consider in working with ethnic minority students. The volume addresses issues of assessment, career and educational goals, learning enhancement, success courses, mentoring programs, campus climate, educational technology, and the integration of nonminority instructors into the minority environment.
  • Beyond islands of excellence: What districts can do to improve instruction and achievement in all schools.
    Outlines lessons from five districts that were selected based on their ability to exhibit at least three years of improvement in student achievement in mathematics and/or reading across multiple grades and across all races and ethnicities.
  • Bridges on the I-Way: Multicultural Resources Online
    Presents an annotated list of various multicultural education resources that are available free of charge on the World Wide Web. Topics include: multicultural and gender issues in mathematics education; barrier-free education for students with disabilities; women in education; gender and equity reform in math, science, and engineering; and a profile of equitable mathematics and science classroom teachers.
  • Building Stronger School Counseling Programs: Bringing Futuristic Approaches into the Present
    This publication brings together authors from a variety of fields to speculate about the future of counseling. Some believe that change in the future will be incremental and of a short-term nature, resolving problems as they arise.
  • Business vs. Cultural Frames of Reference in Group Decision Making: Interactions among Austrian, Finnish, and Swedish Business Students
    Examines ways business and cultural frames of reference affect decision making in multicultural groups. Finds students' reactions to two class activities shows how "groupthink" arose in both exercises; cultural interference paralyzed group decision making in one group; and cultural interference demonstrated the importance of a cultural negotiation in finding common ground.
  • Careers across America 2002: Best Practices & Ideas in Career Development Conference Proceedings (Chicago, IL, July 7-10, 2002)
    This publication seeks to enhance the availability of best practices and ideas in career development. The papers included are derived from program presentations that were given at the July 2002 Careers across America conference.
  • Cause or Effect? A Longitudinal Study of Immigrant Latino Parents' Aspirations and Expectations, and Their Children's School Performance
    How much formal schooling for their children do immigrant Latino parents aspire to and expect? Do parents' aspirations or expectations influence children's school achievement? Do aspirations or expectations diminish the longer parents are in the U.S. or if they experience discrimination?.
  • Character Education through Story: K-6 Lessons To Build Character through Multi-Cultural Literature
    This resource manual integrates literature and social studies with an emphasis on character development. Using children's literature as a catalyst for investigating representative cultures, the manual's curriculum writers crafted multicultural, integrated, thematic lessons for the K-6 classroom that can be used throughout the year.
  • Children's Literature for Pre-K. Theme: Hooray for Pre-K (September)
    This annotated bibliography provides a list of books appropriate for preschoolers that help teachers develop class routines and expectations. Two topics have emerged from this review: classroom and school activities and first school experiences, including feelings.
  • Children's Literature in a Time of National Tragedy. ERIC Digest
    This digest is intended to guide parents and teachers in helping children deal with the attacks of September 11, 2001 through the use of literature. It begins with suggestions, guidelines, and strategies which parents and teachers can use to help children deal with the tragedy, and it discusses the role of literature in helping children at a time of national disaster.
  • Chronicle of a Battle Foretold: Curriculum and Social Change
    Argues an English curriculum infused with multicultural literature and perspectives will not cause the educational and social outcomes attributed to it. The crux of the problem is to help students acquire, from their own experience with literature, a greater desire for literature.
  • Cityscapes: Eight Views from the Urban Classroom
    The Urban Sites Network of the National Writing Project was conceived, designed, and implemented as a national teacher inquiry network for urban sites of the National Writing Project. The goal of the Urban Sites Network has been to develop, articulate, and implement a new agenda for National Writing Project sites serving larger cities.
  • Community Organizing for School Reform, Washington, DC: A Recovering Plantation
    Because the District of Columbia (DC) is a federal district, its governance is peculiar. The DC public school system is plagued by poor management, internal strife, unstable leadership, low student achievement, shrinking enrollment, and declining community confidence.
  • Conditions for Co-teaching: Lessons from a Case Study
    Co-teaching -- general and special education teachers teaching together in a general education classroom -- is frequently offered as a means of promoting inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education curriculum but few researchers have examined the context in which special educators co-teach.
  • Congruence Between Roles and Actions of Secondary Special Educators in Co-Taught and Special Education Settings
    We examined co-teaching in secondary classrooms by interviewing and observing special education teachers in co-taught and special education classrooms. Using qualitative methods and a grounded theory (constant-comparative) method of data analysis, we identified salient, recurrent patterns that suggested a description of co-teaching definitions, roles, and instructional actions and then compared this description to roles and actions in special education classrooms.
  • Connecting Employers and Multicultural Student Organizations
    Describes how the University of Virginia's Student Career Services built on the successes of a Minority Career Day by incorporating a networking opportunity for student groups into the event. (GCP).
  • Creating a Campus Climate in Which Diversity Is Truly Valued
    Highlights the development and implementation of a multifaceted program at Middlesex Community College in Massachusetts. The program, which includes curriculum changes, new student organizations, international student fellowships, and orientation activities, was designed to create a more inclusive campus environment.
  • Creating Cross-Cultural Connections
    Describes a project partnership aimed at helping college students and urban high school students better understand each other's worlds, highlighting the massive miscommunication that often occurs in such environments. Through e-mailing, letter writing, face-to-face experiences, literary experiences with multicultural themes, idea walks, reflections, webbing, and quilt making, this project coaxed participants to break institutional and social barriers in their personal systems.
  • Creating the will; Hispanics achieving eductional excellence: A report to the President of the United States, the Secretary of Education and the nation
    This report provides data on the current educational condition of Hispanics from early childhood through graduate and professional education. It also offers strategies for multiple sectors, parents, schools, communities, the private sector, and the government, to improve Hispanic educational achievement.
  • Cultural and Language Diversity in the Middle Grades
    Discusses the cultural and language diversity of young adolescents. Outlines 10 steps to foster a multicultural (or macro cultural) perspective in all students at the middle school level, strategies that build on students' diversity to create a positive and cooperative learning environment.
  • Culture and Professional Education: The Experiences of Native American Social Workers
    A qualitative survey explored the professional educational experiences of 63 Native American social workers and social work students. Most respondents identified the need for more cultural content in the curriculum, personal struggles experienced in pursuing an education grounded in Anglo cultural norms, but also available supports, especially other Native Americans.
  • Curriculum & instruction for all abilities and intelligences.
    Describes use of a “web of support” to help a San Diego-area high school make structural adjustments that foster inclusion while challenging all students.
  • Determining Appropriate Referrals of English Learners to Special Education: Self Assessment Guide for Principals
    This guide is designed to provide principals and others with a general overview of the issue so that they may review their programs for signs of disproportionality and take appropriate action as needed.
  • Developing Culturally Consonant Curriculum Using the Technology of the New Millennium
    This paper explains how educational technology and multimedia materials can enhance teaching and learning for today's diverse students. The United States still carries the Puritan influence in education (attempting to build a single culture), with little recognition of the need to address diversity in California's K-12 classrooms.
  • Developing Preservice Teachers' Perspectives on Reader Response
    Examines preservice teachers' developing conceptions of reader response theory, specifically focusing on the importance of aesthetic response to students' engagement with and motivation for reading. Finds that the aesthetic reader stance predominated in students' written responses and discussions; and that written response did not influence the quality of the discussion.
  • Developing Reading-Writing Connections: Strategies from "The Reading Teacher."
    Using literature in the classroom yields rewards. Literature for children is being recognized as increasingly important in children's literacy development.
  • Developing successful business partnership.
    Examples of types of successful partnership agreements between a school district and community businesses illustrate that, although each has unique features, all include a commitment to improving student skills and abilities.
  • Developmental Outcomes of College Students' Involvement in Leadership Activities
    Using longitudinal data from 875 students, assesses whether student participation in leadership education and training programs has an impact on educational and personal development. Results indicate that leadership participants showed growth in civic responsibility, leadership skills, multicultural awareness, understanding of leadership theories, and personal and societal values.
  • Directory of TRIO Programs, 2000-2001.
    The institutions and agencies in this directory sponsor federally funded TRIO programs that enable students from low-income families to enter college and graduate. The TRIO programs (originally only a "trio" of programs) include Talent Search, Student Support Services, Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math and Science, Veterans Upward Bound, Educational Opportunity Centers, and the Ronald E.
  • Disproportionate Representation in Special Education: A Synthesis and Recommendations.
    Summarizes historical perspectives and existing knowledge about disproportionate representation of minority students in special education. Definitions and extent of disproportionate representation; Responses to disproportionate representation; Changes in disproportionality and minority student outcomes.
  • Early Childhood Literacy: Programs & Strategies To Develop Cultural, Linguistic, Scientific and Healthcare Literacy for Very Young Children & their Families, 2001 Yearbook
    This yearbook recounts the work in 2001 at the Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) at Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi. Rather than an "elitist" laboratory school for the children of university faculty, the ECDC is a collaboration between the Corpus Christi Independent School District and the university, with an enrollment representative of Corpus Christi's population.
  • Electives: Once More to the Defense
    Presents two educators' views on elective courses. Argues that single-subject high school English courses teach the same skills that are taught in traditional English courses, offer students the opportunity to choose, can meet students' particular interest or needs, and should fulfill an English requirement.
  • Enhancing wellness in a high school: A community partnership.
    Describes a partnership between a school district and a university school of nursing to meet the wellness needs of high school students reporting high-risk behaviors. The school nurse, school of nursing faculty, and nursing students provided wellness programs to student, faculty, and staff.
  • Ethics in Rehabilitation Education and Research
    Reviews ethical issues that rehabilitation educators may face in meeting their everyday teaching and research responsibilities. Issues presented include dual relationships; selection of students; measurement of student competence; supervision of students; confidentiality concerning student information; faculty competence; multicultural issues; and the design, conduction, and publication of research.
  • Evaluation of the Information, Communication and Technology Capabilities and E-Learning
    This study from the University of North London examines diversified support and relevance to improve instruction and reduce dropout rates for multicultural students. Discusses the use of information and communication technology to provide online student support; virtual integration of the curriculum; individual learning styles; and Web sites.
  • Examining Multicultural Picture Books for the Early Childhood Classroom: Possibilities and Pitfalls
    Picture books that depict the variety of ethnic, racial, and cultural groups within U.S. society (known generally as multicultural picture books) allow young children opportunities to develop their understanding of others, while affirming children of diverse backgrounds.
  • Exploring Cultural Differences in Classroom Expectations of Students from the United States and Taiwan
    A survey of 265 U.S. and 247 Taiwanese college students' expectations of teachers and students showed significant differences related to cultural values such as collectivism/individualism, power distance, and egalitarianism.
  • Foundations of Education, Volume I: History and Theory of Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments. Second Edition
    This text, one of two volumes on the instruction of students with visual impairments, focuses on the history and theory of teaching such students.
  • Global Education for Ocean County College
    This paper presents a rationale for establishing a global education curriculum at Ocean County College (OCC) (New Jersey) and proposes a workable curriculum, along with suggestions for implementation. The author distinguishes between multicultural and global education--both curricula address issues of cultural diversity, human rights, and prejudice reduction, but multiculturalism is primarily concerned with these issues in a single country context and global education makes cross-national comparisons.
  • Globalization and Co-Integration of Universal Education
    This paper proposes an educational system in which integrated institutions can become co-integrated and continentally co-integrated institutions can become universally integrated. An integrated institution is one that offers both academic programs and extracurricular activities that meet the needs of students from other institutions and countries.
  • Growing Partnerships for Rural Special Education. Conference Proceedings (San Diego, California, March 29-31, 2001).
    The 2001 conference proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES) contains 62 papers and summaries of presentations concerned with issues in rural special education. The papers are presented in 12 categories: impacting governmental policy, at risk, collaborative education models, early childhood, gifted, multicultural, parents and families, preservice and inservice teacher education, technology, transition, and other.
  • Helping Students with Disabilities Participate in Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum. ERIC/OSEP Digest
    This digest discusses how selected researchers are informing practice in four key areas relating to the participation of students with disabilities in standards-based mathematics curriculum. The first area focuses on enhancing students' understanding of mathematics and emphasizes the need to make math meaningful for students with disabilities.
  • High Stakes Down Under for Indigenous Peoples: Learning from Maori Education in New Zealand; An Outsiders Perspective
    This paper examines the education of New Zealand's Maori people, noting historical achievement and enrollment gaps between Maori and non-Maori students. This gap is due to family economics, educational resources, cultural and racial barriers at school, negative school attitudes among older Maori students, and the student achievement testing system.
  • Hopes of a New Harvest: Sowing Seeds of Understanding with Contemporary Literature
    Argues that English and Language Arts teachers can counter the lessons of hate, violence, and bigotry by offering lessons that promote understanding and caring, through choices for reading and writing of literature that represent all ethnic groups. Discusses the author's experiences teaching for many years in Mississippi, addressing the heritage of racial divide by including literature by African American writers.
  • Immigration Then and Now: Old Face, New Story
    The current wave of immigration is creating such an upheaval, and caught in this emotional jumble are first generation immigrant students. These students are being raised and educated in the United States and are developing understandings of their place within the nation and what it means to be an American.
  • Included in Sociology: Learning Climates That Cultivate Racial and Ethnic Diversity
    This collection of essays is designed for the faculty member and others who care about the retention and success of students of color in gateway courses in Sociology. The book examines assumptions about diversity and teaching and learning and provides strategies for enacting learning environments that are more inclusive and conducive to the success of all students.
  • Increasing Multicultural Awareness through Teaching the Works of Anzia Yezierska
    Recommends incorporating the works of author Anzia Yezierska into high school and college courses in order to increase students' multicultural awareness and tolerance of diversity. Notes that in five novels and many short stories, she raises cultural, gender, and religious issues still relevant today.
  • Informational Memorandum: Degrees Conferred, 1998-99 Update.
    This publication presents data on academic degrees conferred by the University of Wisconsin System. Tables are organized by institution and level; proportion of degrees conferred by level; degrees conferred by discipline area and level; trends in degrees conferred by discipline area; degrees conferred by gender; and degrees conferred by race/ethnicity.
  • Infusing Multicultural Content into the Curriculum for Gifted Students. ERIC Digest #E601
    This brief paper offers an overview of strategies, with practical examples, to infuse multicultural content into the curriculum for gifted students. It proposes a framework for multicultural gifted education based on the four levels or approaches of J.
  • Integrating Western and Aboriginal Sciences: Cross-Cultural Science Teaching
    Addresses issues of social power and privilege experienced by Aboriginal students in science classrooms. Presents a rationale for a cross-cultural science education dedicated to all students making personal meaning out of their science classes.
  • Internationalizing the Public Relations Curriculum
    Discusses broadening public relations to an international level by incorporating the topics of culture, international practices, and culturally sensitive theory development. Discusses rationale, design, and execution of an undergraduate course in international public relations.
  • Jefferson College--Internationalizing the Curriculum: Global Education
    This document presents the results of "Internationalizing the Curriculum," a project designed to enhance the global knowledge and experiences of students and faculty at Jefferson College (Missouri). Specifically, this project encouraged the infusion of international dimensions into selected courses from several disciplines.
  • Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 1999-2000
    This document consists of the two issues making up volume 2 of "The Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association." The articles attempt to meet the interests and needs of those in various counseling fields such as counselor education, mental health, career, rehabilitation, and community or school counseling.
  • Knable ex. Re. Knable v. Bexley City School District
    After district failed to convene an IEP meeting for student, parents unilaterally withdrew child with behavior disorder from school, enrolled in a private school and sued for reimbursement. Court held that substantive harm, resulting in a denial of a FAPE under IDEA, occurs when the procedural violations of IDEA seriously infringe upon the parents' opportunity to participate in the IEP process, and procedural violations that deprive an eligible student of an individualized education program or result in the loss of educational opportunity also will constitute a denial of a FAPE.
  • Language Magazine: The Journal of Communication & Education, 2002
    These 12 issues of the journal include articles on such topics as the languages and literacy.
  • Leadership Academies - Module 2, Mining Data
    This module is designed to help building leadership teams learn the skills required to mine data and use it to make decisions. As principals and teacher leaders become confident in their ability to query their data, they will become strong role models and coaches for the entire faculty.
  • Legares v. Camdenton R-III School District
    The, Legares, court held that Missouri has a higher standard for special education services per state law, than is required by the "appropriateness" standard for IDEA. This decision was overturned by a statute passed months after the decision was rendered.
  • Lessons from Turtle Island: Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms
    Responding to the current level of bias with regard to Native peoples in preschool education and providing opportunities for preschool children to better understand issues of cultural diversity, this curriculum guide explores Native American issues.
  • Let's Play Mancala and Sungka! Learning Math and Social Skills through Ancient Multicultural Games
    This article describes how teachers can use two African and Asian games (Mancala and Sungka) to help students with learning disabilities succeed in school. It discusses the history of the games, how to play, the benefits of the games for children with disabilities, and choosing which game to use.
  • Making Invisible Latino Adolescents Visible: A Critical Approach to Latino Diversity. Michigan State University Series on Children, Youth, and Families, Volume 7
    The papers in this collection explore a variety of economic and social issues facing Latino adolescents, including those of Latino diversity or unity, sexuality, and family values. The authors discuss ways to respond to these issues, suggesting approaches that can contribute to the healthy development of Latino adolescents.
  • Mentoring in the Preparation of Graduate Researchers of Color
    Makes the case that effective mentoring can improve the graduate school experience of multicultural students to position them better for postdoctoral success. Discusses the ways faculty members can enhance their multicultural competence in mentoring.
  • Mexican Americans and Other Latinos in Postsecondary Education: Institutional Influences. ERIC Digest
    The Latino population of the United States has grown dramatically in recent years, but Latino postsecondary participation and graduation rates have not increased. In 1998, only 7 percent of Mexican Americans (11 percent of all Latinos) held college degrees, versus 25 percent of the total U.S.
  • Multicultural Activities throughout the Year
    Describes how early childhood teachers and caregivers can provide experiences that implement meaningful multicultural understandings into their curriculum, focusing on: where to begin; diversity within the classroom; celebrating birthdays in different countries; classroom displays that positively represent different cultures; evaluating learning centers; and providing dramatic play, art, language arts/library, science/discovery, music, math/manipulative, and block centers. (SM).
  • Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge and Skills: Directions for Adult Education Training Programs
    Licensed professional counselors (n=207) completed the Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey, revealing insufficient competence in defining culture, understanding pluralism, analyzing culture, and assessing diverse clients. Comparison of those trained before and after 1990 showed the earlier group had additional insufficiencies.
  • Multicultural Education in the U.S.: A Guide to Policies and Programs in the 50 States
    This book compiles information to investigate the presence and structure of multicultural education programs throughout the United States.
  • Multicultural Education: Common Problems Experienced by Various Cultures
    The United States today is a pluralistic society, and a multicultural curriculum is a necessary component of the overall school curriculum. Multicultural education should address the culturally and the linguistically diverse student.
  • Multicultural Education: Powerful Tool for Preparing Future General and Special Educators
    This article argues that multicultural education is a powerful and necessary tool for preparing future general and special educators to provide services to students with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It presents ideas for educators willing to assist multicultural learners in maximizing their fullest potential in inclusive settings.
  • Multicultural Mosaic: A Family Book Club
    Authors, a library media specialist and a literature/language arts teacher, both recipients of Theodore R. Sizer Fellowships, describe their joint project, "Multicultural Mosaic: A Family Book Club." Their proposal was to strengthen the home-school connection by establishing a book club accessible to all middle and high school students and their families.
  • Multicultural Perceptions Of 1st-Year Elementary Teachers' Urban, Suburban, and Rural Student Teaching Placements
    This study was designed to determine the effects student teaching in four settings (urban Comer, urban non-Comer, suburban, and rural) had on 1st-year teachers' (a) perceptions of success in general, (b) success as it relates to their perceptions of the multicultural needs of students, and (c) perceptions of success in their interactions with parents from a variety of racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Multiple Cultures, Multiple Literacies
    Describes the author's work in his fifth-grade class as he helps his students understand the importance that culture plays in their representations of meaning. Shows how opportunities to transcend language by using other sign systems allow multiculturalism to flourish.
  • Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners, 2000
    This publication presents seven articles concerned with the education of students with disabilities or special talents who also have cultural or linguistic differences.
  • On Inclusion and the Other Kids:Here's What Research Shows so Far About Inclusion's Effect on Nondisabled Students.
    Inclusion is receiving lots of attention, both in school districts across the country and in the popular media. Most of that attention is focused on how inclusion affects the students with disabilities.
  • On Infusing Disability Studies into the General Curriculum
    Teachers and administrators are all familiar with the growing movement toward the inclusion of children with disabilities into general education classrooms. Discussions about how to do this, with which children, at what ages, and with what supports and structural reforms are happening in urban school districts across the country.
  • On PreparingTeachers for the Future
    As American schools seek to accommodate an increasing range of students, teachers are challenged as never before. When students with disabilities, linguistic differences, or other unique abilities join general education classrooms, even willing teachers fear their lack of training and preparation to deal with such differences make their role as primary teacher inappropriate and inadequate.
  • On Reconceptualizing Continuing Professional Development:A Framework for Planning
    Institutions of higher education, districts and state education agencies must create together the strategies, incentives, and options that will promote educators’ learning of the new practices and perspectives that will generally change this core of practice. Meeting such a challenge requires reconceptualizing both staff and professional development for urban districts where significant numbers of teachers are not licensed, where even licensed teachers leave after a few years and where working conditions are often poor and deteriorating.
  • On the Nexus of Race,Disability, and overrepresentation:What Do We Know?Where Do We Go?
    The ethnic overrepresentation of students in special education programs in this country has been a recognized problem for more than 30 years. Simply defined, overrepresentation, or the disproportionate placement of students of a given ethnic group in special education programs, means that the percentage of students from that group in such programs is disproportionally greater than their percentage in the school population as a whole.
  • On the Power of Separate Spaces: Teachers and Students Writing (Righting) Selves and Future
    Studied the effect of programs within desegregated schools that serve an identified population of students for cultural affirmation and advancement. Ethnographic data from a girls' group at an urban magnet school and a Vietnamese students' homeroom, focusing on 20 high school students, in an urban comprehensive school demonstrate both the power of such "spaces" and the contradictory impulses within such arrangements.
  • On the Power of Separate Spaces: Teachers and Students Writing (Righting) Selves and Future
    Studied the effect of programs within desegregated schools that serve an identified population of students for cultural affirmation and advancement. Ethnographic data from a girls' group at an urban magnet school and a Vietnamese students' homeroom, focusing on 20 high school students, in an urban comprehensive school demonstrate both the power of such "spaces" and the contradictory impulses within such arrangements.
  • On Time and How to Get More of It
    Today's schools are striving to meet the challenges of systemic reform and school improvement. It is a big and complicated job.
  • Pedagogic Discourse and Equity in Mathematics: When Teachers' Talk Matters
    Discusses the role and nature of pedagogic discourse. Suggests that teacher talk plays an important role in the learning of radically, ethnically, and linguistically diverse students.
  • PEPNet 2000 Innovation in Education. Conference Proceedings (Denver, Colorado, April 5-8, 2000)
    This proceedings focuses on the best practices and most effective strategies for meeting the needs of postsecondary students who are deaf and hard of hearing. Presentations address professional development, access to programs and services, teaching methods, using technology, student preparation for college, program development, working with students from diverse backgrounds, and personal development.
  • President's Report on Strategic Action Areas and Initiatives, April, 2002.
    This paper outlines the strategic action areas and initiatives of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) for 2002. The six action areas outlined are: (1) national and international recognition and advocacy for community colleges; (2) learning and accountability; (3) leadership development; (4) economic and workforce development; (5) connectedness across AACC membership; and (6) international and intercultural education.
  • Principles of Pedagogy in Teaching in a Diverse Medical School: The University of Capetown South Africa Medical School
    This paper describes a 2-month project developed by the Sage Colleges (New York) and the University of Capetown Medical School in South Africa to help the medical faculty at the Capetown Medical School teach its newly diverse student body. The program is intended to improve student retention and it emphasizes the need for faculty to assure students coming from nonacademic backgrounds of their competence and to celebrate multicultural diversity in higher education.
  • Project Zenith: Multicultural/Multimedia/Emphasis in Speech-Language Pathology, 1997-2001. Grant Performance Report--Final Report.
    This report discusses the activities and outcomes of Project Zenith, which was designed to recruit two cohorts of bilingual graduate students to complete a graduate program with specialized skills in the diagnosis and treatment of communicative disorders in multicultural populations in the public schools. Included in the specialized training is coursework in bilingual and alternative assessment, instructional technology, and a clinical practicum.
  • Promoting Academic Literacy with Urban Youth through Engaging Hip-Hop Culture
    Suggests that teachers in new century schools must find ways to forge meaningful relationships with students who come from different worlds, while also helping these students develop academic skills and the skills needed to become critical citizens in a multicultural democracy. (SG).
  • Reducing Disproportionate Minority Representation in Special Education Programs for Students with Emotional Disturbances: Toward a Culturally Responsive Response to Intervention Model
    This article presents an argument for the need for culturally responsive Response to Intervention (RTI) as an approach for reducing disproportionate minority representation in Special Education Programs for Students with Emotional Disturbances. Authors present an overview of the RTI model as initially intended for use in determining IDEA eligibility category of Specific Learning Disability (SLD), discuss current literature that examines the use of RTI for evaluation of Emotional Disturbances (ED), and highlight research-based instruction and intervention practices of culturally responsive pedagogy.
  • Reggio Emilia: Catalyst for Change and Conversation. ERIC Digest
    International perspectives on the care and education of preschool children that seem to be of greatest interest in the United States are those directly linked to prevailing concerns in American early childhood education.
  • Reggio Emilia: impulsor del dialogo y del cambio (Reggio Emilia: Catalyst for Change and Conversation). ERIC Digest
    International perspectives on the care and education of preschool children that seem to be of greatest interest in the United States are those directly linked to prevailing concerns in American early childhood education. In this context, many early childhood specialists have explored the implications of Reggio Emilia's work for the theory, practice, and improvement of U.S.
  • Renewed IDEA Targets Minority Overrepresentation.
    The article reports that the reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act will attempt to eliminate one of the longest-running problems in special education: the overrepresentation of minority students. The Schott Foundation for Public Education recently released a report on education and black males that showed black students accounted for 72 percent of the total number of students with mental retardation classifications in Chicago's public schools, while black students accounted for 52 percent of overall enrollment.
  • Report card models that support communication and differentiation of instruction.
    Focuses on the need for teachers to consider the grading of students with special needs in the context of report card grading policies for all students in the U.S.
  • Resources and school effectiveness : A study of investment strategies in New York City public schools and districts.
    Reports findings of two-part study and establish that New York City Community school districts contribute significantly to student achievement. Characterizes "district effects" and identifies a variety of instructional practices that differentiate high-performing from low-performing districts through comparative case studies of four sample districts.
  • Rival Views of Technology: Leadership Lessons for an Uncertain Future
    For more than 20 years, Arizona's Maricopa Community College district has aggressively invested in and experimented with technology to improve teaching, learning, and the management of college and district services.
  • Safeguarding Our Children: An Action Guide
    On April 28, 2000, the U.S. Department of Education and Department of Justice released a new jointly developed Action Guide to help schools and communities prevent school violence.
  • Science Learning for ALL: Celebrating Cultural Diversity. An NSTA Press Journals Collection
    This publication includes 17 of the best articles from recent additions of The Science Teacher, the National Science Teachers Association's (NSTA) journal for secondary educators. The articles are written by science educators who offer ideas and strategies for bringing multicultural education into the classroom and providing opportunities for all students to learn science.
  • Second Language Study in Elementary Schools
    To help students compete in a global economy, American teachers must begin teaching children a second language at an early age. Describes the advantages of learning a second language at the elementary school level, highlighting three currently-used language programs (immersion, Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools, and Foreign Language Experience) that facilitate second language learning.
  • Selecting Books for the Elementary School Library Media Center: A Complete Guide
    This book focuses on the selection of books in an elementary school and on the resources designed to help in that process. Resources that support other aspects of collection development are identified, along with a number of established surveys of children's literature that discuss specific titles.
  • Self-Awareness, Cultural Identity and Connectedness: Three Terms To (Re)Define in Anti-Bias Work (2000)
    Building a strong but flexible identity and learning to deal with diversity are two main educational goals for early childhood education. Because identity is replacing the older concept of race and is serving as the basis for a new form of segregation, it is necessary to redefine the terms "identity" and "cultural identity." Identity involves processes in continual flux, resulting in images of identity at a particular moment.
  • Separating Siamese Twins: Can We Extricate WAC from Writing Centers?
    This paper addresses the culture of writing in higher education from a multicultural perspective of those within the "monolith." The paper first notes that writing programs, more specifically writing across the curriculum (WAC), and writing centers work in similar ways by benefiting each other and sharing the broad mission of improving students' writing.
  • Service Learning and Multiculturalism: Integrating Cultural Knowledge of Native Elders into the Writing Classroom
    Service-learning experiences can introduce students to locations they typically might not encounter in the composition classroom. This paper discusses a unique program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks that provides a rich and productive contact zone for students.
  • Service-Learning for Multicultural Teaching Competency: Insights from the Literature for Teacher Educators
    Examined the literature to answer: (1) "What outcomes have resulted from preservice teachers' involvement in service-learning activities in diverse community settings?" and (2) "What challenges exist to enhance their multicultural teaching competencies through service-learning?" Summarizes three challenges (e.g., the resiliency of preservice teachers' negative attitudes toward children and families of color; service-learning activities that emphasize charity, not social change); and offers recommendations for addressing them. (EV).
  • Shattering the Denial: Protocols for the Classroom and Beyond
    This book examines how to address and reduce racist practices in the schools, featuring an antiracist education teacher study that provided baseline figures on teacher perceptions of racism and demonstrated how teachers can successfully implement antiracist concepts in their classrooms.
  • Sociocultural Considerations in Social Skills Training Research with African American Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders.
    Students with emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD) often have been identified on the basis of their social competence deficits. The overrepresentation of African American students in special education programs for EBD has been recognized for decades.
  • Sociocultural Issues in Education: Implications for Teachers
    Exclusion, hatred, and injustice have caused much pain in U.S. society.
  • Special Education Use among the Negev Bedouin Arabs of Israel: a case of minority underrepresentation?
    This study takes the well-documented minority overrepresentation/ disproportionality debate a step forward by asking if, and in what ways, overrepresentation and disproportionality may be seen among a non-American minority group, namely, the Arab citizens of Israel. Statistical evidence suggests that Arab children are more likely than Jewish children to be diagnosed as retarded and to be sent to special education schools.
  • Student Perceptions of Teacher Ethnic Bias: Implications for Teacher Preparation and Staff Development
    This study investigated the perceptions of 2,409 7th-12th graders regarding teacher ethnic bias. Participants comprised three groups: school dropouts, students at risk of dropping out, and a control group of students.
  • Student Voices across the Spectrum: The Educational Integration Initiatives Project
    The Educational Integration Initiatives Project (EIIP) was a multidisciplinary study designed to explore the complexities of the interaction of race and education. The EIIP also evaluated how the environment in which students are educated affects their educational performance and personal development.
  • Students With Disabilities and Standards-Based Reform
    The mandate for public education in the United States as the 21st century begins is to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to be educated. It is no longer acceptable to have two separate and unequal public educational systems in place -- one for students with disabilities and one for students with no disabilities.
  • Surveying the Landscape: Perceptions of Multicultural Support Services and Racial Climate at a Predominantly White University
    Examined how white and minority students at a predominantly white college perceived racial climate, student support services, multicultural courses, and attitudes toward cultural diversity on campus. Surveys indicated that white and minority students' perceptions varied, and campus support services were inadequate for creating an environment where minority students could have as positive an experience as white students.
  • T.R. v. Kingwood Township Board of Education
    In the 3rd Circuit, the IEP must provide more than "trivial or, de minimus, educational benefit" but is not required to "maximize the potential of handicapped children." The IEP must provide "significant learning" and "meaningful educational benefit." Parents requested reimbursement for private school tuition and support services, claiming that the school district's proposed placement did not provide the student with a meaningful educational benefit in the least restrictive environment.
  • Teach ESP through Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
    Students registered in courses for English for special or occupational purposes usually already have a good command of the language. Their objective is not to acquire fluency in the language as such, but rather to learn to use the language adequately in specific professional contexts.
  • Teacher-Researchers Entering into the World of Limited-English-Proficiency (LEP) Students: Three Case Studies
    Examines three white teacher researchers' classroom inquiries on their limited English proficiency students. Teachers were investigating students' way of perceiving, learning, and using their native and second language in different circumstances.
  • Teachers of Gifted Students: Suggested Multicultural Characteristics and Competencies
    This article discusses desired characteristics and competencies in teachers of gifted students who are culturally, ethnically, or linguistically diverse. These include: culturally relevant pedagogy, equity pedagogy, a holistic teaching philosophy, a communal philosophy, respect for students' primary language, culturally congruent instructional practices, culturally sensitive assessment, student-family-teacher relationships, and teacher diversity.
  • Teaching and Learning about Multicultural Literature: Students Reading Outside Their Culture in a Middle School Classroom
    This book shares the findings of a study of one teacher, Ann, and her eighth-grade classes of 123 readers who participated in a multicultural literature unit. A feature of the study was that the majority of the students were white--that is, the dominant culture--and studied novels representing nondominant cultures.
  • Teaching Mathematics from a Multicultural Perspective
    Describes principles and instructional strategies for teaching mathematics to culturally diverse students, explaining: fundamental principles of multicultural mathematics; approaches to multicultural mathematics instruction (e.g., portrayal of cultural groups in instructional materials and historical roots of mathematics concepts); and instructional strategies for diverse students (e.g., high expectations, questioning, cooperative learning, and technology use). (SM).
  • The Campus Tour: Ritual and Community in Higher Education
    Examines the messages transmitted to prospective students during a particular ritual, the campus tour, discussing ways that members of a university communicate their expectations about becoming contributing members of the academic community. Describes three community discourses that serve as the theoretical foundation for the analysis.
  • The Counselor's Guide to Ohio Independent Colleges and Universities, 2000.
    This guide contains information on Ohio's independent colleges and universities, including: (1) a map of the state's private schools; (2) quick facts about independent higher education in Ohio; (3) financial aid; (4) private college visitation days; and (5) college and university profiles. The profiles provide information on 1999-2000 enrollment, admission procedures, advanced credit opportunities, transfer credit policies, housing, Fall 1999 freshman profile, recommended high school curriculum, minority/multicultural programs, learning disabled students, athletics, financial aid, and majors.
  • The Culturally Diverse Classroom: A Guide for ESL and Mainstream Teachers
    This handbook is for teachers and administrators involved with international students in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) and mainstream settings. It is intended to raise awareness of the new American classroom.
  • The district's role in instructional improvement
    Describes findings from a Consortium for Policy Research study of the role of central office staff members in shaping and supporting instructional reforms in three large urban school districts.
  • The Impact of a Standards Guided Equity and Problem Solving Institute on Participating Science Teachers and Their Students
    This study examined the effect of a teacher enhancement project combining training on the National Science Education Standards, problem solving and equity education on middle school science teachers' attitudes and practices and, in turn, the attitudes of their students.
  • The impact of professional development schools on the education of urban students
    Professional development schools (PDSs) were originated a decade ago to provide a new model for teacher education that enables graduate students to have meaningful classroom experiences while they earn their degree. Over 1,000 PDSs exist in nearly every state, operating as partnerships between universities and public schools; most belong to one of many national or regional networks.
  • The Inclusive school
    This book is a collection of stories by illustrated by teachers and principals. Each of their stories illustrates the delicate balancing act they perform by remaining committed to public education, inspite of policies that are not in the best interest of children.
  • The Language of Disability Diagnosises: Writing and Talking Back in Multicultural Settings
    Fiction, journal, and creative writing can help highlight the positive qualities of diverse minority children. Educational psychology often diagnoses difference as disability.
  • The National Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Final Report.
    To commemorate 2002 as the centennial year of America's 4-H Movement, the National 4-H Council held a national conversation to identify ways of improving youth development programs.
  • The Preliterate Student: A Framework for Developing an Effective Instructional Program. ERIC/AE Digest
    A special subgroup of Limited English Speaking students is often referred to as students with limited formal schooling (LFS) or "preliterates" because they have not yet had the opportunity to learn to read. This digest explores important aspects of the LFS student population, defining LFS students and discussing their impact on schools, individualized language development plans, classroom instruction, and the assessment of the LFS student.
  • The Reading Workshop: Creating Space for Readers
    With so many different approaches to teaching reading, how can a teacher make sense of the best paths available? This book, by describing its author/educator's day-to-day schedule and giving an overview of how the workshop operates over time, provides a flexible framework a teacher can adapt and implement to suit his or her needs. And by bringing his love of literature to bear on his instructional ideas, the book's author/educator shows how a teacher can help students learn to read so they "want" to.
  • The State of Students of Color, 2001
    This report reviews the educational experiences of students of color in Minnesota schools, colleges, and universities, highlighting students and communities of color; students of color K-12 enrollments; students of color K-12 achievement; students of color college success; early college awareness; and redefining success for students of color.
  • The Transition of Gambian Children to New York City Public Schools
    The paper describes the typical school life of a Gambian child and notes that most students finish schooling at the age of 16. The deplorable conditions in boarding school are also described.
  • Trends & Issues in Secondary English, 2000 Edition
    This publication contains journal essays and book chapters (from publications of the National Council of Teachers of English) dealing with trends and issues in secondary English education.
  • Understanding Diversity: How Do Early Childhood Preservice Educators Construct Their Definitions of Diversity
    Because of the increasing diversity of ethnic, cultural, religious, and socioeconomic groups in public schools, the preparation of teachers for multiethnic, multicultural settings is a critical issue facing teacher educators. This study investigated preservice early childhood education students' definitions of multicultural education, sources of information from which they constructed their definitions, how multicultural education was actually implemented in school, and their perceptions of the ways multicultural education should be implemented.
  • Understanding Puerto Rican Culture Using Puerto Rican Children's Literature
    Presents examples of Puerto Rican children's literature, explaining how these books facilitate understanding of Puerto Rican culture. Describes criteria used to evaluate Puerto Rican children's literature and how to acquire the books using Puerto Rican bookstores, publishers, and distributors.
  • Using an Interactive Website To Educate about Cultural Diversity and Societal Oppression
    Describes use of an interactive Web forum to provide a safe vehicle for social work students to dialogue concerning the dynamics of social oppression and cultural diversity. Analyzes usage patterns of the website and data from student evaluations.
  • Using Counselor Training and Collaborative Programming Strategies in Working with International Students
    Provides an overview of the adjustment concerns of international students and explores venues for inclusion of this population in multicultural training and counselor competency development opportunities for graduate students. Highlights a model of programming implemented at a private university that provides training opportunities for counselors-in-training.
  • Using Multicultural Resources for Teachers To Combat Racial Prejudice in the Classroom
    Presents questions that will assist early childhood teachers in evaluating their own views and behaviors toward various ethnic groups. Provides resources for teachers to educate themselves, parents, and students.
  • Voices of Varied Racial Ethnicities Enrolled in Multicultural/Antiracist Education Computer and Telecommunication Courses: Protocols for Multicultural Technology Education Reform
    Two case studies involving graduate education majors illustrate how multicultural/antiracist education and computer-mediated communication can interact successfully and further broaden cultural sensitivity in technology through diverse perceptions and contributions. Facilitating factors included theory-to-practice concepts, Internet dialogue, and student/teacher interactions.
  • What Do Teachers Teach? A Survey of America's Fourth and Eighth Grade Teachers. Civic Report
    This report contains results from a survey of U.S. fourth and eighth grade teachers that examined their teaching philosophies, classroom teaching methods and practices, academic expectations for students, and opinions on other education policy issues.
  • What High School Students Think about Their Families Being Involved in School?
    Schools are changing the way they understand and think about family involvement. The changes they are making help to develop relationships with families and other community members that benefit both the school and the community.
  • What Parents of Kids with Special Needs Think About Their Child's Educational Program?
    Parents of special-needs kids have a unique perspective on the programs and services that schools provide. They know first-hand what works and doesn?t work about special education, and they are coming from a different mindset than the policy-makers and educators who design and implement special education programs.Family School Linkages Project: Building Better Relationships Between School Personnel & the Families of their Students By Anne Stilwell
    Download the document here .
  • Working with urban schools that serve predominantly minority students.
    Discusses how the Los Angeles Trade Technical College and the Los Angeles Unified School District have collaborated in several ways to help ethnically diverse, urban school children prepare for and make the transition to college. Document describes collaboration details, including customized academic and vocational partnerships, outreach efforts and college instruction activities.
  • YA Spaces of Your Dreams: Welcome to the Reading Room: Lindbergh Middle School, North Long Beach, California
    Describes the transformation of the school library in Lindbergh Middle School, North Long Breach CA that serves a predominantly lower income, multicultural area whose students are struggling readers. Highlights include painting, new furniture, and other physical changes; collection development and circulation increases; hours of operation; staffing; and programming.